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when 8th gen was announced everyone thought "oh wow i bet the graphics are going to be better than ever" and you know what, THEY ARE! we could never get that kind of graphical quality on the PS3, XB360, and hell the Wii wasnt even an HD console and when games like Super Mario Galaxy and Xenoblade Chronicles came out they were hit with near perfect scores.

the only people who do complain about graphics though arent console gamers, its only the PC elitists who feel entitled for having better hardware. who gives a shit if you shelled out $2000 for a top of the line gaming rig? you font own the company and it would hurt their profits just to cancel other versions to make yours better.

and then the thing that really bugs me is the same people going off saying things were better in the 80s and 90s, back when games were pixilated and polygons were huge.