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Ryuu96 said:
The fuck Noble, stop flaming, spamming and derailing my thread, k?

INB4 Backseat moderating

Also, hitting on Angelus? you can't even say one nice word to me in Skype =(

Gears of War 4 looking mighty sexy, just like you  

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Angelus said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Oh shit, you wouldn't dare show those!!!

Idk...I've been known to be unpredictable

Besides, they contain such lovely poetry. Somebody should really share your uhm...."talent" with the world

*begs for mercy*

And um, Halo is the best gaming franchise ever (this was just to remain OT)

NobleTeam360 said:
Angelus said:

Idk...I've been known to be unpredictable

Besides, they contain such lovely poetry. Somebody should really share your uhm...."talent" with the world

*begs for mercy*

And um, Halo is the best gaming franchise ever (this was just to remain OT)

Ugh...alright alright

You're lucky you're cute. Plus I suppose I should finish destroying Slade before I turn my attention elsewhere.


And uhm ya....Halo is number 1. #XboxRules

Angelus said:
NobleTeam360 said:

*begs for mercy*

And um, Halo is the best gaming franchise ever (this was just to remain OT)

Ugh...alright alright

You're lucky you're cute. Plus I suppose I should finish destroying Slade before I turn my attention elsewhere.


And uhm ya....Halo is number 1. #XboxRules


Show Destiny some love.

jason1637 said:
Angelus said:

Ugh...alright alright

You're lucky you're cute. Plus I suppose I should finish destroying Slade before I turn my attention elsewhere.


And uhm ya....Halo is number 1. #XboxRules


Show Destiny some love.




Around the Network
Angelus said:
jason1637 said:


Show Destiny some love.





The xbot denial is strong. with this 1.

What's the difference between Netflix universal app and the one they have now?

smroadkill15 said:
What's the difference between Netflix universal app and the one they have now?

Probably it will be exactly the same app on W10/Xone while before on Xbox one the netflix app was different in lay out etc than on W10 etc.  one other example is Subnautica where the game on PC was different than on Xbox one but now it is basically one version. So no more 'PC update and Xone update' but just one update that works for both even so far that you can use console commands on the xbox one version and put graphics down up (but I don't recommend doing so on Xbox one).

Begone evil spam.

This post above me truly deserved to be in this thread wtf?


Man they will sell like everything with a Gears of War branding on it. Let's hope the game will be as good as their merchandise efforts