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RodneyBouch on Resetera "I am pretty sure that Ninja theory next project could be seen by the end of this year.

Bleeding edge would be the title."

Probably a teaser at VGA kinda like Shadows Die Twice was teased, Everything indicates that this game will be a 3rd person action game and has been in development since they finished HellBlade. I'm really hyped for this one.

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I hope that this is true. A tease on December, proper showing on E3 2019 and a release on April 2020.

Hey guys. I was wondering if you need to download 4k content for hdr on the Xbox one s. Getting a Q7f soon!

dx11332sega said:

Are we getting Battletoads gameplay at Gamescom ? I hope so . 

They didn't mention it for inside Xbox but it might be a surprise .

Ninja Theory confirmed to be working on Several Projects?

Hopefully they become the Platinum Games of Xbox, they are probably taking advantage of their newfound position to bring back some of their shelved/canned projects from the past.

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shikamaru317 said:

Seems like the goal at Ninja Theory is to have multiple AA teams instead of one AAA team. While it would be nice to see Ninja Theory try their hand at AAA development and become Microsoft's answer to Sony Santa Monica, I can live with them staying AA under MS, especially since we already have 2 new AAA 1st party studios with Playground and The Initiative. I personally hope they staff Compulsion up into a AAA as well.

Compulsion would have the biggest jump because they were the smallest of the new studios, They have around 40 devs and Undead Labs has around 60. The problem with the games that these studios made were mostly on the technical side but everything else is there similar to Recore's problems and all those games were AA games with AAA potential. At this point I would like for MS to buy Armature since Recore was solid and they would be another small studio that they could build up and one that would not be expensive to buy.

shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, from what I've seen of We Happy Few, it's mainly technical problems holding it back, it's riddled with bugs. It feels like they tried to make a AAA game with too few devs, 40 just isn't enough to make a AAA game. It would have taken them a further 6 months of development to stomp out all of these bugs with such a small team. Story is great so far, art style is great, graphics are good enough for the semi-cartoony artstyle, music is great. Gameplay could be better though, the survival mechanics feel out of place and the combat could be better. I'd replace the Lead Designer and maybe some of the other design staff if I were MS, then staff up all of the departments until they have at least 100 devs. Then they'd have a studio capable of making Bioshock like exclusives for next gen. 

I also hope they buy Armature and staff them up to work on a AAA ReCore next gen. 

The scope of We Happy Few kept getting bigger as development of the game went on I remember reading that one of the early E3 demos was made by 16 people and they had to staff up, they just didn't have the funds, staff and experience to make this game reach it's full potential but hopefully that changes under MS for their future projects.

shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, I remember reading something in an interview with one of the devs about that. Apparently after the initial E3 reveal when everyone loved the game and were comparing it to Bioshock, the devs felt like they needed to change the scope of the game to satisfy all of those wanting it to be a AAA Bioshock like experience. However, they just didn't have the funds to staff up into a AAA studio so they could deliver a AAA experience, they added 24 devs and even that wasn't enough. With MS funding though, that might just change. The first 2 Bioshock games were made with less than 100 devs, while the 3rd had 200 devs. While I doubt MS will staff them up from 40 all the way to 200, I feel like 100 is certainly a possibility.

I agree around 100-120 permanent staff seems like the sweet spot for Undead and Compulsion to expand to in the future, that would be enough to make a AAA game on a 2-3 year deadline. Not every studio needs to be 200 plus to make a AAA experience.

$150 Keyboard and Mouse? Yikes!

shikamaru317 said:

$150 is too cheap for a good racing wheel with force feedback and such. Could be a fight stick at that price, but my guess is washburn is an official Xbox branded mouse and keyboard combo, and for $150 you'll get a pretty high end mouse and keyboard. Most likely they'll announce AoE for Xbox alongside it.

Apparently razor is working on a partnership with MS for the keyboard and mouse. It would want to be good quality for $150. It'll probably be $199 here in Australia.