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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation @E3 2015 We got FFVII remake, Shenmue III & The Last Guardian, E3's Over Go Home


My favorite part about the conference was...

...The Last Guardian! 17 14.66%
...Horizon! 20 17.24%
...Hitman! 0 0%
...Final Fantasy VII Remake! 50 43.10%
...Call of Duty: Black Ops III! 1 0.86%
...Firewatch! 0 0%
...Dreams! 1 0.86%
...Shenmue III!!! 15 12.93%
...Star Wars: Battlefrond! 2 1.72%
...Uncharted 4! 10 8.62%

Choo choo, motherfucker. Nothing stops this train anymore.


No, seriously, you better deliver, Sony.






Around the Network

Destiny 2.0 confirmed.

I want Crash, GoW IV and that's about it.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

But yeah, a more serious prediction. Well, I say prediction. I mean a list of things that could possibly show up based on what Im hearing around the net.

God of War 4
Destiny Taken King
Guerilla Games new IP
Uncharted 4
Black Ops 3
Metal Gear Solid 5
Resident Evil 7
The Last Guardian
Shenmue Remastered
Final Fantasy VII Remastered
GTA5 DLC/ Red Dead Revolution
Gran Turismo 7
Persona 5
Ni no Kuni 2

No pressure Sony.


My expectations:

Alundra remake by Supergiant Games

Legend of Dragoon 2

LittleBigPlanet 3D

God of War 4: Bethlehem in Ashes

Last Guardian

Killzone Shooter-RPG

PaRappa the Rapper 3: the Dubstep Remix


Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

Around the Network

mmmmmmmm soooo good

#1 Amb-ass-ador

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Cant fucking believe we will get more Destiny AGAIN on sony conference >.>

New three sub-classes... EPIC.

Destiny is the next big thing in terms of FPS... to be fair the sales showed it is the next CoD from Activision.

It is on TOP10 chartz in most countries after 9 months... and have over 20 million registered players.

I guess everything knew Destiny was one of the big guns at E3.

Have a bad feeling that myself and many others are going to be very disappointed with what Sony are going to show. This is the one time I have decided to bother staying up to the early morning to watch, and I hope it isn't for nothing.

I'm so excited! This is what I'm hoping for:




Media Molecule Morpheus game


Uncharted 4 gameplay

Battlefront gameplay

Morpheus price and release date


If we get even half of those I'll be satisfied.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

I hope there are no leaks during the Sony conference.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: