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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Witcher 3 Is Not Fun To Play (But The Quests Are Godly)

onionberry said:
it's better than bloodborne... every way.


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!

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Mummelmann said:
Has anyone ever achieved "satisfaction" by going through menus in games? I know I haven't.

Deux Ex has an EXTREMELY pleasing menu system to go through. It's instant pausing and unpausing, the sound it makes when you go to the menu and navigate is wonderfully chipper, the icons look sharp, etc. I don't recall ever being as pleased with a game's menu as I have been with Deux Ex.

I'm playing on hard difficulty and considering my limited experience with RPG, I think I'm doing quite good. I have played the souls series, skyrim and a bit of dragon dogma and that's it. Those are my only RPG experience. Even though the controls are nothing to brag about, there are 2 things that keep me going for more:

1. A lot of exploration.
2. Even the side quests are enjoyable to play, it's not boring and repetitive like most sandbox games this days.

I'm hook and I don't think I will play another game for a very long time.

Was planning on a long game session tonight yet I need a break already.

Beware of shops, they reset at will. I accidentally sold my vials to a shop while cleaning up my inventory. I noticed it right away after going back to the alchemy page and re-opened the shop page not 10 seconds later. Everything I had sold to the shopkeeper was already gone and his stock replenished (yet he still only had 2 coins left)

And 2 more deaths due to getting stuck on the environment. I'm starting to hate fighting teleporting mobs in caves. It's a fight to the death with the camera. Plus those load times in Velen, how did that get through QA.

Another glitch or maybe rag doll physics simply doesn't work: Wyverns get stuck with their tail on the scenery when they die, rigidly sticking up in the air from a ledge, old school :)

There are filler quests too btw, it seems the contracts on the message boards are mostly of the kill X variant. I guess the ones that fall under the Witcher contracts category. Bandit camps, guarded treasure, clear the settlement, monster nests and witcher contracts are getting very repetitive already. The game is long enough with the interesting stuff. It would be really great to have a "No filler" option under gameplay, simply hide those.

I could ignore the ? yet I also found some interesting quests by visiting those locations. (Maybe they start somewhere else and I just stumbled onto them out of order, as I did again with the return to Crookbag bog quest)

My GOTY personally, doubt anything coming this year will beat out Witcher 3.

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Conegamer said:
Reading through the thread now is pretty interesting I have to say. Seeing the ups and downs and the things you liked and didn't like. It's both amusing and informative, so thanks for the read.

Yeah, me as well. I'm never going to buy this game but for some reason people's views so far in this thread have kept me reading and probably will until the end.

Somehow the game keeps drawing me back. I played another 90 minutes after a break.

It must be the world as the couple quests I did were meh again, secondary quests are also not immune to the generic. The secondary quest was clear a mansion of a generic monster for a small reward. The other, a contract, rid a graveyard of a monster for a small reward. And a 3rd one I already can't remember anymore, that's not a good sign.

All distractions on the way to find the rest of the griffin school gear, spread out over the massive map. (I walked through a couple of bandit camps again too. Those bandits must outnumber the peasants at least 2:1) Too bad I can't see if the gear is worth the trouble as I need to find a blacksmith first to be able to check the diagrams I already found. (Maybe there is another way to check the diagrams you've collected?)

It's so nice to walk around in the world and talk to people, yet it's no Skyrim or Dark souls. Those I could play untill 6am no matter how tired. The witcher 3 is very easy to turn off, yet I know I'll play it again tomorrow.

SvennoJ said:
Too bad I can't see if the gear is worth the trouble as I need to find a blacksmith first to be able to check the diagrams I already found. (Maybe there is another way to check the diagrams you've collected?)

There is. In "glossary", select "crafting". You cannot craft on your own, but you see recipes.

I have so many items now that scrolling through my items goes so slow. Also so annoying that I have so many weapons with an higher level, just a waste of weight for the moment :s.

Busy with NG+ bloodborne. I've already forgotten this game. What was that? Witcher ?