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Was planning on a long game session tonight yet I need a break already.

Beware of shops, they reset at will. I accidentally sold my vials to a shop while cleaning up my inventory. I noticed it right away after going back to the alchemy page and re-opened the shop page not 10 seconds later. Everything I had sold to the shopkeeper was already gone and his stock replenished (yet he still only had 2 coins left)

And 2 more deaths due to getting stuck on the environment. I'm starting to hate fighting teleporting mobs in caves. It's a fight to the death with the camera. Plus those load times in Velen, how did that get through QA.

Another glitch or maybe rag doll physics simply doesn't work: Wyverns get stuck with their tail on the scenery when they die, rigidly sticking up in the air from a ledge, old school :)

There are filler quests too btw, it seems the contracts on the message boards are mostly of the kill X variant. I guess the ones that fall under the Witcher contracts category. Bandit camps, guarded treasure, clear the settlement, monster nests and witcher contracts are getting very repetitive already. The game is long enough with the interesting stuff. It would be really great to have a "No filler" option under gameplay, simply hide those.

I could ignore the ? yet I also found some interesting quests by visiting those locations. (Maybe they start somewhere else and I just stumbled onto them out of order, as I did again with the return to Crookbag bog quest)