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3DS - dead or alive?

Dead 106 26.04%
Alive 301 73.96%

Waiting for E3 for a final call.

My hope is that they focus so much on Wii U that people say the 3DS is dead.

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fleischr said:
The 3DS has had better support than the WiiU already this year:
-Majora's Mask
-Codename STEAM
-Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
-Fossil Fighters
-Xenoblade Chronicles
-As well as a host of F2P games Nintendo has produced

Compared to only Kirby and MP10 getting released on WiiU amongst several VC releases. Though XCX did get released in Japan finally.

Yeah, this kind of kills the thread creator's argument. That along with the fact that 3DS likely has many more games on the way and is a healthier market than the Wii U.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

A little quick to jump the gun there, don't you think? Fire Emblem If is not going to be the last game to be released for the 3DS, that's for sure. The 3DS will continue to go on just a little longer, until a successor is announced. Then it'll likely get close to retirement. ; )



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Einsam_Delphin said:
ohmylanta1003 said:
I feel like you made this thread just looking for reactions...

But that's the point of all threads really.

I mean, people make threads for news purposes, to ask questions, and to get opinions on a topic. I feel that this particular thread was made because the original poster knew it would piss some people off. It's not like an "OMG! Sony just announced that they passed 150 million consoles sold, what's your reaction" reaction, it's more like a "Hey, I'm trying to piss people off and you should react to it" reaction that this thread is looking for.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

ohmylanta1003 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

But that's the point of all threads really.

I mean, people make threads for news purposes, to ask questions, and to get opinions on a topic. I feel that this particular thread was made because the original poster knew it would piss some people off. It's not like an "OMG! Sony just announced that they passed 150 million consoles sold, what's your reaction" reaction, it's more like a "Hey, I'm trying to piss people off and you should react to it" reaction that this thread is looking for.

I made it to be contrary to all the Wii U is dead threads, after noticing that the 3DS had very little in the way of an upcoming lineup. I wanted to see how people were feeling about that. I don't think it's hard to tell I'm a massive Nintendo fan, and I have absolutely no interest in trolling people. If people are unable to look at any criticism of Nintendo without being offended then that's their problem, not mine.

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Cream147 said:
ohmylanta1003 said:

I mean, people make threads for news purposes, to ask questions, and to get opinions on a topic. I feel that this particular thread was made because the original poster knew it would piss some people off. It's not like an "OMG! Sony just announced that they passed 150 million consoles sold, what's your reaction" reaction, it's more like a "Hey, I'm trying to piss people off and you should react to it" reaction that this thread is looking for.

I made it to be contrary to all the Wii U is dead threads, after noticing that the 3DS had very little in the way of an upcoming lineup. I wanted to see how people were feeling about that. I don't think it's hard to tell I'm a massive Nintendo fan, and I have absolutely no interest in trolling people. If people are unable to look at any criticism of Nintendo without being offended then that's their problem, not mine.

Not saying you aren't a Nintendo fan and I don't think anyone is taking this offensively: they are just telling you that you're wrong. If you wanted to talk about the lack of games (in your opinion), you should have just made a thread about that, not one that is titled "The 3DS is dead?".

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

The 3ds's future seems ok for now as there are games coming that I'm interested in... Not to mention old games I still need to play through. So certainly not dead for me.

A Bravely Second and Dragon Quest VII/VIII localization, as well as Nintendo actually supporting the damn New 3DS with exclusives (be they original or GC/Wii ports) would be good for me personally. I don't see the 3DS as dead, but its support from Nintendo proper is slowing down. Despite that, there are some good releases coming in for those interested in 'em.


Sales are also down