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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Splatoon Single Player takes 5 to 7 hours!

Volterra_90 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

I'll bet those going on about the price/value still bought MK8 for $60.

Yeah, I'm talking only about the initial content. MK8 came with 32 tracks in the online mode, Splatoon will only come with 5 maps and 2 online modes. I'm 90 % convinced that the game will definitely worth its prize when all the content releases, but I get why some people might be concerned about it. I trust Nintendo in doing this well. I understand that Splatoon is a new IP with new and fresh mechanics, it's starting from zero, so thinking about new great modes, new ways to play... it takes time. But this franchise has a lot of potential! I'm very excited :)

But when you look past the face value you realize one map in Splatoon is the equivalent of 10 tracks in MK8 due to the game's inherent linearity. Only one good way to go on a race track with you going that same way everytime, whereas there are many different ways to approach a map in Splatoon based on the map itself, what weapon set-ups everyone has, what paths your teammates take, etc., and no part of the map is unimportant with you having to move to and from different areas at different points during the battle everytime you play on it. Also Splatoon will have atleast 6 different modes of play versus MK8's 1 and 1 half assed one.

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Samus Aran said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

Shooters used to take longer than 7 hours to complete. Metroid Prime being an example.

Metroid Prime is a first person adventure game. Which has no online or multiplayer (except Prime 2).

And no, I didn't forget Hunters, that game doesn't exist for me. :)

It's a first person "adventure" game where the player basically "shoots" everything with a GUN. I don't know why people always called it a first person adventure. A first person adventure would be like Mist... not Prime. lol

Anyway, my point is, shooters use to have long stories attached to them. Even the ones that had online multiplayer had longer stories. Personally, I don't care. I tried the demo and the online is fun. But I can certainly understand people not liking it considering that this game is coming from Nintendo which usually puts a LOT of stock in story modes and also, because it's $60.00. 

I wish the industry didn't treat shooters this way but hey, things happen.

AlfredoTurkey said:

But I can certainly understand people not liking it considering that this game is coming from Nintendo which usually puts a LOT of stock in story modes and also, because it's $60.00.

To be fair, Splatoon has more in common with Mario Kart and Smash than Zelda and Metroid Prime. Mario Kart and Smash aren't exactly known for their story modes...

Also, the single player mode is gameplay focused and not story focused, meaning that they will do as many things as they can think of with the single player and then end it, where story based games tend to walk a less varied path when it comes to gameplay and spends more time doing the same thing.

ohmylanta1003 said:
Busted said:
Dreadful, but not unexpected, like almost all FP shoters nowadays

Lol. Not at all dreadful for a game that is mainly focused on multiplayer.

The beauty of opinions my friend :)

think-man said:
I thought more people would be complaining. I see people complain over TLOU 12 hour singleplayer, but this is okay lol

What? Who said that?

Quit victimizing yourself and PS gamers. Splatoon and TLOU aren't related.

OP: Pretty good to me. About the same length as Kirby and Captain Toad, and I felt satisfied with their content (and they didn't even have online or a separate local mode).

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


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So its same length as COD.

Einsam_Delphin said:
Yeap not much of a surprise there, it's all about dat multiplayer!

Multiplayer is barebone as it has less maps, less modes and missing many features. If it was priced $40 then it would have been perfect. $60 is too much.

daredevil.shark said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Yeap not much of a surprise there, it's all about dat multiplayer!

Multiplayer is barebone as it has less maps, less modes and missing many features. If it was priced $40 then it would have been perfect. $60 is too much.

It won't be barebones by August.

Online multiplayer modes:

- Turf War: cover the most ground with your team's ink and win the battle.

- Splatzones: control a specific area on the map for specific duration of time by covering it in ink. A new take on the King of the Hill concept.

- Tower Control: there's a tower platform in the middle of the map. If you stand on it, it will move to the enemy's base. If you reach the portal you win. A creative take on the Capture the Flag concept.

- Rainmaker: unknown for now what this mode will do.

It will also have 15 multiplayer maps which is more than enough. And in August we get custom matchmaking with friends.

So besides voice chat, what is it missing? CoD  might have more multiplayer modes but most of them are uncreative and plain stupid. Kill Confirmed mode? Lol, I bet a lot of creativity went into that piece of shit.

Samus Aran said:
think-man said:
I thought more people would be complaining. I see people complain over TLOU 12 hour singleplayer, but this is okay lol

This is the first game of its kind. TLOU did nothing new or even slightly creative.

So yeah, I'll cut it some slack.

Splatoon is a copy of an xbox indie game, not exactly new or creative. 

think-man said:
Splatoon is a copy of an xbox indie game, not exactly new or creative. 

Please educate yourself.

That Xbox game did not invent paintball or territorial battles. Hell, it wasn't even released. Yeah, I'm sure Nintendo knew all about that piece of shit that had a total of 200 views prior to Splatoon's reveal.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread