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Forums - Sony Discussion - Gran Turismo 7 team adds Forza's Audio Lead to the team.

Even the developers of Forza know that Gran Turismo is the superior racing game.


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This is always good to hear.

Interesting addition, if it makes the game better I'm all for it...

But I still don't understand this hate for PS2 models, if you don't like just don't freeking use it, let's the one who want keep using, it won't affect your entertaiment.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Good news for GT, audio is one of the areas they have been left behind on in recent years.

DerNebel said:
Oh btw, just saw on Gaf that they also picked up Driveclubs UI designer.

Not sure how much sharing of tech between Sony's studios there is, but if Polyphony could use Driveclub's weather system as a base, that would be awesome too.

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Drakrami said:
A GT7 holiday release this year would be insane for sony in terms of software and hardware sales.

Agreed and I think it's happening this year.

For one thing the engine Polyphony Digital made for GT6 was designed for PS4 as well, the assets PD make are too detailed and advance for PS3 to handle, except for the archive of standard models, although improvements were made to those in GT6.

From what I understand when GT6 began development Polyphony Digital basically built everything to make their lives easier for GT7.

All of the new features that GT6 has weren't even remotely represented by what their engine can really do, PD said as much at PSX last december and now it's all running natively on PS4.

Kaz Yamauchi said himself that PD doesn't want to take anywhere near as long as GT5 took to come to release for GT7 to come to PS4.


Finally there's the issue that the 20th anniversary of the series will be happening in 2018, if PD releases GT7 this holiday, then that gives them a full 3 years to work on GT8 to release that in 2018. This all lines up perfectly to account for GT7 coming this year.

PD weren't solely focused on making GT6 after GT5 came out, they're definitely a large enough studio to make 2 games at once, if they really want to, but for GT as a series it doesn't really work that way, they prepare for the future, making a constantly improving game, well beyond what can be done on current gen, but a fraction of that can be handled by the current generation.


2 years to focus primarly on making great use of their engine on PS4, tweaking shaders, increasing adaptive Tessellation to the max they can on PS4, running at a locked 60FPS, 1920X1080, full weather effects, with real time lighting.

The car models and tracks are probably using photogrammetry, Asynchronous Compute for physics, Voxel Based Ray Tracing for the best lighting effects.


We may even hear about the game this month and possibly see some gameplay because the Gran Turismo Nurburgring between the 25th and 28th of this month. GT6 was officially announced in a similar fashion at Silverstone on the 15th of May 2013, for the 15th anniversary. I doubt we'll have to wait until E3 to see anything about the game.

Mike_L said:
shikamaru317 said:
Good news for GT7, Forza always did have better audio imo. Hopefully Turn 10 found a good replacement for him.

I agree. Now Polyphony just need to get rid of the PS2 models and we could end up with a great GT7.

Not going to happen with GT7 but hopefully they will have enough premium models eventually to just let go of the standard models.

Nice pickup and I look forward to the improved sounds.