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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4 is so close to 50% market share I can almost taste it

Dusk said:



Then keep on enjoying gaming. Were you alive during the Atari era?

yada yada..yada yada..

none of what you said actually countered my point that total domination almost always resulted in more games for gamers..

ps1 and ps2 proved this. plus there was never an absence of qualtiy as seen by games like mg, gow, gt,, your argument about quality just falls falt.

and yes, i was alive duirng the atari era. i owned an atari 2600... did you? 

i have owned an atari, nes, snes, gameboy, gameboy advance, wii, 3ds, genesis, dreamcast, gamegear, ps1, ps2, ps3, psp, psvita, xbox, xbox360, and even an engage. 

In fact, i was among the 1st ever to mod my snes to play any region games...hows that? well there was no software region locking back then. all there was was just a difference in the shape of the gamecart. all we had to do was just cut off two stubs in the cart dock and bam! famicom and snes games can now be played lol

ever heard of the ufo and the mgh? the 1st piracy... add ons that you slap on the game cart slots of the snes or genesis and then you riped games onto diskets and load it... bam! 1st ever piracy! expensive as hell! 

no idea, what you're trying to prove about the "if i was alive during the atari era"... 

but whatever it is, i was there and i saw with my own eyes the growth of the gaming industry and of all the generations. the ps1 and the ps2 where the best of the best for gamers. games games and more games. games that catered to every single niche market there is. you didn't get 2,3 or 5 game releases in a week. you got dozens of games released every week. which makes up the thousands and thousands of games available on both systems. 90% or more is shovel ware, but where else will you find a game named "mr. mosquito"? 

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Dusk said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

No, I don't buy that. Fanaticism is not inherently dangerous. People do reckless things because of fanaticism but these are still concious decisions. If a Fan of Brazil during the world cup commited Suicide cause of their loss to Germany, he still decided to do so. People react differently to the same thing and they are responsible for that reaction.

Likewise, people posting that they are happy because PS has 50% marketshare, are still responsible for their actions or their preferences. 

This human nature, people have different degrees of attachment based on investment(including time and energy) and concious decision.

Of course they are responsible for their actions, when did I say they weren't? 

Of course they do. I think the difference here is our view of this. To me it seems completely rediculous to be excited in a personal way for the PS4 to get 50% market share. I legitimately don't understand it. 

Ok then.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

ils411 said:
Dusk said:



Then keep on enjoying gaming. Were you alive during the Atari era?

yada yada..yada yada..

none of what you said actually countered my point that total domination almost always resulted in more games for gamers..

ps1 and ps2 proved this. plus there was never an absence of qualtiy as seen by games like mg, gow, gt,, your argument about quality just falls falt.

and yes, i was alive duirng the atari era. i owned an atari 2600... did you? 

i have owned an atari, nes, snes, gameboy, gameboy advance, wii, 3ds, genesis, dreamcast, gamegear, ps1, ps2, ps3, psp, psvita, xbox, xbox360, and even an engage. 

In fact, i was among the 1st ever to mod my snes to play any region games...hows that? well there was no software region locking back then. all there was was just a difference in the shape of the gamecart. all we had to do was just cut off two stubs in the cart dock and bam! famicom and snes games can now be played lol

ever heard of the ufo and the mgh? the 1st piracy... add ons that you slap on the game cart slots of the snes or genesis and then you riped games onto diskets and load it... bam! 1st ever piracy! expensive as hell! 

no idea, what you're trying to prove about the "if i was alive during the atari era"... 

but whatever it is, i was there and i saw with my own eyes the growth of the gaming industry and of all the generations. the ps1 and the ps2 where the best of the best for gamers. games games and more games. games that catered to every single niche market there is. you didn't get 2,3 or 5 game releases in a week. you got dozens of games released every week. which makes up the thousands and thousands of games available on both systems. 90% or more is shovel ware, but where else will you find a game named "mr. mosquito"? 

My point about Atari is that it dominated, everyone was able to release as much crap as they felt like and the market crashed. Yes, my family did own an Atari. 

Discounting what I said doesn't make it go away lol.

BTW, you missed owning a 3DO :P

I'm surprised you would prefer quantity over quality. That's likely the most anti consumer and anti gamer stance I have seen yet. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

I remember the threads way back in the day wondering when the Wii would hit 50%

It never ended up happening, so I was skeptical of the PS4 doing it, but yeah its definitely happening soon.

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

JonnyBigBoss said:
Yay! Your console of choice will have good financials! You must be so happy!

Such a waste of time and energy.

<3 PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U.

Did you really make an account just to say that? lol

And yes I'm happy

<3 PS4 ;)

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Brace yourselves for the return of 3rd party exclusives.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

OdinHades said:
Brace yourselves for the return of 3rd party exclusives.

I hear Sony is giving out hats made of money this E3 :)

Right now PS4 already passed 50% Market Share, VGC figures are only up to March 28th.

And I say, PS4 will get over the 60% Market Share by the end of this Generation, my forecast.

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

Oh. does like everyone who owns a PS4 get some kind of loyalty check or compensation? oh. I didn't think so. Fanboys care about sales.... gamers care about playing great games on any system they come out on.... I guess we know which type posted this message topic...


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- Shinobi-san

PS4 is already well over 60% for 2014 and 2015. Sure it's only close to 50% because Wii-U had a year head start, but let's be fair PS4 is going to continue to sell long after Wii-U is gone. PS4 will easily get to 60% overall if things continue like this.