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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is PS One overtracked on VGChartz (serious and honest question)

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Did the original PlayStation sell over 104 million units?

Yes, 104.25 is the correct number. 39 46.99%
No, 102.49 is more likely. 44 53.01%
DialgaMarine said:
Uuuummm... Who cares?

VGChartz is a site for tracking and discussing video game sales, is not?  This topic is a video game sales discussion.  So, I think it's relevant, regardless of what year or generation the topic pertains to. 

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Mandalore76 said:
DialgaMarine said:
Uuuummm... Who cares?

VGChartz is a site for tracking and discussing video game sales, is not?  This topic is a video game sales discussion.  So, I think it's relevant, regardless of what year or generation the topic pertains to. 

 True, but arguments about over/ undertracking come up all the time, and VGC only ever makes changes when there is official word from the corporations themselves. PS1 did amazing. Regardless of whether it's off by 1.5 million or not. Besides, this was probably brought up already, and VGC has had almost a decade to do their research and fix it if it was wrong. 

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

DialgaMarine said:
Mandalore76 said:
DialgaMarine said:
Uuuummm... Who cares?

VGChartz is a site for tracking and discussing video game sales, is not?  This topic is a video game sales discussion.  So, I think it's relevant, regardless of what year or generation the topic pertains to. 

 True, but arguments about over/ undertracking come up all the time, and VGC only ever makes changes when there is official word from the corporations themselves. PS1 did amazing. Regardless of whether it's off by 1.5 million or not. Besides, this was probably brought up already, and VGC has had almost a decade to do their research and fix it if it was wrong. 

Still wrong. Because the last official numbers are 102,5M

DialgaMarine said:
Mandalore76 said:
DialgaMarine said:
Uuuummm... Who cares?

VGChartz is a site for tracking and discussing video game sales, is not?  This topic is a video game sales discussion.  So, I think it's relevant, regardless of what year or generation the topic pertains to. 

 True, but arguments about over/ undertracking come up all the time, and VGC only ever makes changes when there is official word from the corporations themselves. PS1 did amazing. Regardless of whether it's off by 1.5 million or not. Besides, this was probably brought up already, and VGC has had almost a decade to do their research and fix it if it was wrong. 

I don't dispute that.  And, I'm not knocking the PS1 in the least.  I bought my brother one for Christmas in 1996, and later got one for myself (or had my gf at the time get me one, I'm not sure this many years later).  I loved Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Medieval, Final Fantasy Tactics, Suikoden, Vandal Hearts, etc.  It's the reason I went on to also get a PS2.  I'm just looking for even one person to show me evidence that the 104.25 total is the correct number to satisfy my curiousity when everything I've encountered anywhere else is contrary to that.

Ka-pi96 said:
AlfredoTurkey said:
Ka-pi96 said:

He's not questioning whether the PS1 outsold the Wii or not, regardless of which amount the PS1 sold it would still be ahead of the Wii. He's just questioning the final sales figures of the PS1 and he has legitimate sources to back his claims up as well.

If that's the case though, why? It doesn't really change anything. lol

Wouldn't you rather VGC be more accurate though?

Exactly.  That's it in a nutshell.  If there's nothing to support the 104.25 figure, but a lot of info to support 102.49 as the more accurate number, then why not be accurate instead of off by nearly 2 million units.

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EricFabian said:
DialgaMarine said:

 True, but arguments about over/ undertracking come up all the time, and VGC only ever makes changes when there is official word from the corporations themselves. PS1 did amazing. Regardless of whether it's off by 1.5 million or not. Besides, this was probably brought up already, and VGC has had almost a decade to do their research and fix it if it was wrong. 

Still wrong. Because the last official numbers are 102,5M

102.49M Guys  Stop rounding it,looool!:P:P:P:P:P

I can't fathom that we are agruing on something when we have compelling evidence...

P.s Mandalore as you can see many have posted this link">       as I did first despite the fact that you have it already on your op,we can't distinguish  it with so much links dear!You put many and it was needless,this links says the sheer truth and it's enough(As an official source!)

I haven't seen the poll results,I better not see them ever!:P

Ka-pi96 said:
AlfredoTurkey said:
Ka-pi96 said:

He's not questioning whether the PS1 outsold the Wii or not, regardless of which amount the PS1 sold it would still be ahead of the Wii. He's just questioning the final sales figures of the PS1 and he has legitimate sources to back his claims up as well.

If that's the case though, why? It doesn't really change anything. lol

Wouldn't you rather VGC be more accurate though?

We all would...When there are official data,ps1 numbers isn't the only thing from old consoles which is wrong!:P It's like ioi has forgoten the existence of platform totals section!:P

tak13 said:

102.49M Guys  Stop rounding it,looool!:P:P:P:P:P

I can't fathom that we are agruing on something when we have compelling evidence...

P.s Mandalore as you can see many have posted this link">       as I did first despite the fact that you have it already on your op,we can't distinguish  it with so much links dear!You put many and it was needless,this links says the sheer truth and it's enough(As an official source!)

I haven't seen the poll results,I better not see them ever!:P

Sorry, I was just trying to be thorough in showing where I got the info for posing my question.  I wanted to be definitive in my position in the hopes that it would spur someone with a contrary opinion to provide evidence to back up their own stance.  I apologize if it was overkill, this being my first thread and all.

By the way, the poll is very close (and has been pretty much throughout the discussion) with almost 50 votes tallied at this point!

Mandalore76 said:
tak13 said:

102.49M Guys  Stop rounding it,looool!:P:P:P:P:P

I can't fathom that we are agruing on something when we have compelling evidence...

P.s Mandalore as you can see many have posted this link">       as I did first despite the fact that you have it already on your op,we can't distinguish  it with so much links dear!You put many and it was needless,this links says the sheer truth and it's enough(As an official source!)

I haven't seen the poll results,I better not see them ever!:P

Sorry, I was just trying to be thorough in showing where I got the info for posing my question.  I wanted to be definitive in my position in the hopes that it would spur someone with a contrary opinion to provide evidence to back up their own stance.  I apologize if it was overkill, this being my first thread and all.

By the way, the poll is very close (and has been pretty much throughout the discussion) with almost 50 votes tallied at this point!

I'm kidding dear,simply it's hillarious that me and many others have quoted this link in spite of having it in your op!:p

Well I thought that the 104m+ was winning by far!:P However, 104m should not be neck to neck with the 102.49m,as the 102.49m is the undisputedly right and you have provided tons of proofs, or rather compelling evidence!:P

tak13 said:
Mandalore76 said:

Sorry, I was just trying to be thorough in showing where I got the info for posing my question.  I wanted to be definitive in my position in the hopes that it would spur someone with a contrary opinion to provide evidence to back up their own stance.  I apologize if it was overkill, this being my first thread and all.

By the way, the poll is very close (and has been pretty much throughout the discussion) with almost 50 votes tallied at this point!

I'm kidding dear,simply it's hillarious that me and many others have quoted this link in spite of having it in your op!:p

Well I thought that the 104m+ was winning by far!:P However, 104m should not be neck to neck with the 102.49m,as the 102.49m is the undisputedly right and you have provided tons of proofs, or rather compelling evidence!:P

Ah, okay, no problem!  Yeah, you're right.  It seems like they think the adjust down would somehow tarnish the consoles legacy, which it wouldn't.  Or that it would be easier for the Wii to become the second highest selling console, which while the gap would be much closer, I still don't think would happen.  It is telling that many of the people who are voting for the lower number are also supporting their vote with evidence to back it up.  While, those voting for the higher number are not able to do the same.