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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony domination begins....?

Rath said:

There is no definition of AAA, its a bullshit title given randomly to games which are considered blockbusters and of high quality. A small game which scores 95%+ but doesn't sell 500k would not be considered AAA and neither would Mario Party 8. Its kind of a combination of sales and quality and most certainly doesn't have an exact definition.

Resistance could easily be considered an AAA title by some people.

Crazy Frog Racer for the Playstation 2 could be an AAA to some people. I would classify that as "opinion AAA." 

Okami is a "universal AAA" in the sense that the average of the world sees it as 90%+.

Done. Let this be standard.

"opinion AAA"

"universal AAA"

Wow, trying to find the standard formula is like trying to teach a gym full of monkeys to simultaneously write one of Shakespeare's poems.

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De85 said:
a.l.e.x00 said:
De85 said:
twesterm said:
Griffin said:
twesterm said:

I wish people would realize one or two games won't suddenly boost a console sells and pull it out of any kind of slump or whatever. Not saying the PS3 is in a slump, I'm just saying MGS4 isn't suddenly going t oboost sales by 10 million.

Want proof? Look at the Gamecube.

You can't compare the PS3 to the GC. The market has changed too much, the PS3 sales will blow the GC away. The GC also had a very bad Zelda in the wind waker, and a bad Mario game. The GC also had very front heavy sales, while the PS3 sales will continue to get stronger.

Um...are you talking about this Mario game and this Zelda game that both average well over 90%? Try playing the games before criticizing them just listening to what other people said.

Like I said, a game or two alone won't carry a system. If a few good games could carry a system then the GC would have sold much better (and possibly better than the PS2) since it had most of the top games last gen.


It can and it is, without Wii Sports the Wii would be in last place right now.

Wii Sports isn't even a game. It's a demo. Wii would have succeeded with, or without it. It didn't even get fantastic reviews. There has never been a game that has carried a console. NEVER!


Having read the rest of your posts it has become quite clear that you are out of touch with the majority of the Wii's userbase. I'm not going to waste my time trying to speak rationally to an irrational person, just know that in this thread you have failed, epicly.

Prove me wrong.

Euphoria14 said:
a.l.e.x00 said:
ameratsu said:


if you think a few percentage points (90 or 91 vs 89 or 88) or in this case a small fraction of a percentage point either way determines if a game is "AAA" or not you are clueless. A couple percentage points one way or the other isn't really significant unless you want to count so-called "AAA" in your sig for some reason.

Incorrect. 90%+ = AAA. not 89.9%+. That's the way it is.

Sorry to say, but if you think a few reviewers... who are sometimes PAID to give higher ratings determines whether or not you will buy a game... I feel very very sorry for you.


Ratchet and Clank IS AAA.

Uncharted is AAA.

The GAMERS decided that and THAT is what matters, not some stupid site that people think makes up their minds for them.


One of my favorite games of all time is SaGa Frontier on the PS1. You know what it was rated? In the 70's I believe. Does this mean now that it is junk? DEAD WRONG!!! Halo 3 got a high score on Gamerankings... does that make it better than all those that scored lower than it? I really hope you do not believe that Halo 3 is the BEST FPS ever...

You need to make decisions for yourself, if not, then unfortunately you are but a sheep.

You wanna know what AAA really is? Ask the gamers, not the PAID reviewers.


Ratchet and Clank = "opinion AAA" game.

Uncharted = "opinion AAA" game.

Too many flaws prevent them from becoming "universal AAA" games. To you, they are AAA games. That is an opinion. However, the average of the world sees them as "NOT" AAA games.

My opinion differs from many reviews. I still respect the reviews, and use it to determine what games I should buy, because I don't want to blindly buy a game for $80 that got low reviews, and find out that my opinion does not differ from the reviews. If all games were free, then yes, I would only follow my reviews. All games are not free. Reviews are free. Make the connection.

You miss my point on every level. Your opinions can differ from the universally ranked score, but do not try to force your opinion as the universally ranked score. Accept that Halo 3 is universally seen to be greater than many other first person shooters, but let your opinion be different. Hate it, but know that the world does not agree with you. Read the reviews, agree with what you think is right, and disagree with what you think is wrong.

I play games that got all scores. My opinions differ from the reviews. I accept the reviews. Done. That's it. Man, oh, man. Trying to set standard viewpoints is like trying to paint the exact same picture a hundred times. It cannot be done. 

Stillwell said:
I've decided that Patapon is an AAA title. The only one the PSP has.

Your opinion goes against the final score. That is okay.

Sonic Adventure 2 got an 89 in Metacritic:

89 is made up of 18 individual reviews.

Did every review give it an 89? No. Reviews ranged from 65-100. In fact, no single review gave it the same score as the final score. However, all 18 reviews combined gave it a score of 89. Because not a single review gave it 89, you are not expected to see it as an 89 game. You are expected to give your own personal opinion, but also accept that 89, because it's the average of 18 different opinions, and 18 opinions is stronger than your own opinion. To you, your opinion means more, but to the world, those 18 different opinions mean more. That's how it works.

You see Patapon as an AAA game. Okay. Your opinion is that it is an AAA game. The average opinion does not see it as an AAA game. However, some individual reviews, from that one final review, also see it as an AAA game, but more see it as an AA game, thererfore, combine them all, and you get an AA game. Have an opinion. Do not force your opinion on others. If you want to see where a particular game stands, compared to other games, by the average opinion of the world, then go to Metacritic, or GameRankings. Your opinion doesn't have to much, but you can learn a lot from other people's opinion, and the free information can help guide you to make a smart purchase, instead of blindly leaping to an $80 game, ignoring the reviews that may warn you, just so that you can get an opinion. That's fine, but what if you do get an opinion, and your opinion says "this game sucks!" Would you be satisfied? You got your opinion, but now you have a crappy game. Follow the reviews, buy a game, and get your opinion. Chances are, your opinion will likely match the reviews. Not always, but most likely. You know what, trying to explain this whole thing is almost impossible. You will never get one standard rule. Never have, never will. There isn't a single game that everyone likes. There isn't a single a single console that everyone likes. There isn't a single language. There isn't a single currency. Nothing. So why bother trying to set a universal standard? It's impossible.

Oh, and by the way, sales has nothing to do with any of this. People buy games before they play them, so how can you use sales to judge a good game, or not? It judges popularity, but popularity and quality are two, totally different things.

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@alex00, you can follow a fabricated statisitic, but many of us choose not to. If you believe that the reviews of many people often no more qulaified than us can review a game to the tee, you are mistaken. If many opinions rate a game .180% less than 90%, this does not keep them out of the upper echelon of games, it only does so in their opinion. If you haven't learned from life, the majority of people can easily be wrong. So you are following an arbitrary statisitic made by people who may be no more qualified to review a game than a person on this site. Opinion of many reviewers or not, it can still be wrong. Reviewers are having less of an impact on the market as time goes by anyway. Many just don't care what they think and with good reason, they often give shit reviews. Rules made by imperfect people equals imperfect rule, and should not be followed as definite fact. Reviews are guidelines. Not nearly perfect indicators. Their margin of error has to be at least +/- 5%.


What you're missing is it's not what other people think, it's what you think of a game that matters as it's your money that's being potentially spent on a title. A "universal AAA" as you called it is great because reviewers said it was great? In order for a game to be great, you have to enjoy it and the game has to conform to what you want, at least to a certain extent. what a reviewer loves or loathes and bases their grading on won't necessarily conform to what you enjoy or dislike.

Reviews should be used to get an idea of what the game is about but not to be used to determine if a game is "AAA" or not based on a few points of score difference. Averaging reviews which use different grading systems written by reviewers with varying game preferences into a single, tidy number does nothing but oversimplify and create flame bait for the console wars. stop looking for some definitive measure of game worthiness and realize the distinction of greatness lies not with reviewers but with the gamer and what they truly enjoy playing.

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Don't really care if ever again. I love the games on the consoles and I love the consoles

If I reviewed SSBB I'd probably give it about 40%, but that's because I dislike all fighting games and it's lack of HD graphics. If 9 other reviewers gave it 95%, that would make 89.5% average. So all it takes is one reviewer to drop a game out of mathematical AAA zone. IMO, Uncharted should be well over 90%.

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