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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect: Ready for a Transgender Protagonist


What do you think?

Hell yeah, trasgender protagonist! 19 13.01%
Hell no, GTFO! 44 30.14%
What would a trasgender p... 71 48.63%
Show me the results! 10 6.85%
Ka-pi96 said:
binary solo said:
And now I want to play the ME series all over again.

Do it!

I'm replaying ME1 right now

Can't, my brother has my PS3 and while I could play Mass Effect 1 on my PC I need to play the PS3 version to get the final 2 trophies for the platinum. And I can play ME2 and 3 on PC.

Also Mass Effect 1 has certain issues which makes it a bit of a chore to get through, which is why I still haven't platinumed it.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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I don't see why it's a big deal, or even how you'd know. Then again more options don't hurt...if girls wanna act like guys or vice versa, that's no problem with me.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Ka-pi96 said:
binary solo said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Do it!

I'm replaying ME1 right now

Can't, my brother has my PS3 and while I could play Mass Effect 1 on my PC I need to play the PS3 version to get the final 2 trophies for the platinum. And I can play ME2 and 3 on PC.

Also Mass Effect 1 has certain issues which makes it a bit of a chore to get through, which is why I still haven't platinumed it.

Ally trophies?

Yeah, ME1 does have it's share of issues. ME2 more than makes up for it though

No, I've got those ones, though it took more plays through than it should have to get them all because I wasn't paying attention to the trophy conditions for those ones. It's the abilities trophies because again I didn't really pay attention to trophy conditions and mostly played the classes I wanted to play. These are two reasons I have ME1 fatigue. For some reason I also can't stop myself from finding all the mineral deposits. Such a waste of time. It's similar with ME2, for some reason I always must have way more mineral resources than I need; just in case you know.

So I have neural shock, and maybe one other to go. Or maybe just Neural shock. I tried the cheat and fired neural shock at a citadel transit station a whole heap of times, but it failed to trigger. Perhaps that cheat was patched out of the PS3 version on disc.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Mass Effect has already a transgender option. A male can choose to play as a female character and vice versa.

It's very PC too, because in the game they will be fully accepted as their chosen gender and nobody will mention or question it throughout the game.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

binary solo said:
So would the trans-woman be voiced by a man and the trans-man be voiced by a woman?

If you play Fem-shep in a certain way you could argue that she is mildly transgender, tomboyish at least.

I completely disagree with hard-wiring the PC as a transgender character. The thing with the Bioware PCs to date have been the ability to choose to be gay or straight (is it possible to be Bi in any of the DA or ME games?). So hardwiring. Whether or not you argue that there should be 4 equally recognised sexes (cis-male, cis-female, trans-male, trans-female), the fact of the matter is that making the PC trans is forcing a characterisation on gamers who may object. With the sexual orientation aspect you can be a raving homophobe and still play Mass Effect and strictly pursue the hetero path.

I would prefer Bioware take a smaller step and have one of the NPCs be trans. At least that way you can choose to recruit / use that character according to your own personal philosophy. It is one thing for art to challenge and question ideas and beliefs about sexuality and gender, it's another thing for art to cram those ideas down people's throats.

I'll still buy it and play it, if it's an actually good game, as I have no issues at all with transgendered people, I will merely disagree with that particular decision.

And now I want to play the ME series all over again.

In Mass Effect games you tend you only ever be able to romance one character. You can flirt with others, but only "seal the deal" with one. In Dragon Age Origins (at the very least) I know I romanced multiple people, helped on by the frankly absurdly easy Zevran, who I romanced by accident.....

I think in general the characters in these games should be a blank slate for you to impart your personality. As such, making them alien, making them transgender all make things too specific for my liking. I frankly thing it is going to be a lot easier to keep things simple

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I though we had transgender chars for a long time in RPG. We always could use the name of one gender and body of other. Besides, none of them have externally defined genitals. So this is more like cash-in.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Ka-pi96 said:
Munkeh111 said:

In Mass Effect games you tend you only ever be able to romance one character. You can flirt with others, but only "seal the deal" with one. In Dragon Age Origins (at the very least) I know I romanced multiple people, helped on by the frankly absurdly easy Zevran, who I romanced by accident.....

I think in general the characters in these games should be a blank slate for you to impart your personality. As such, making them alien, making them transgender all make things too specific for my liking. I frankly thing it is going to be a lot easier to keep things simple

By accident? Yeah, of course, we believe you

I was saving myself for Morrigan!

I was just chatting with him and kept talking....

Munkeh111 said:

I was saving myself for Morrigan!

I was just chatting with him and kept talking....


Morrigan doesn't mind you having sex with the elf, if I am not mistaken. If you try to pursue something more serious, then she does force you to pick either her or him.

I am only down if it forces a mission with a sex change operation in which the player takes on the role of surgeon and performs the slicing and sewing. I want it to be relatable to the average human, or alien out there in the cosmos.

I would not mind a transgender companion/ally character or transgender main hero being optional (which seems like the likely option) but i don't see how it could affect the story or character development in a deeper way than people asking if you got a dick to go along with those titties.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian