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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - With the announcement of N64 Games on the Wii U....

I just want the mini games of both, those were awesome.

I know... my English sucks.

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Can someone please explain to me why we are just now getting N64 games on the VC? First of all, it was there on the original Wii correct? the console is also backwards compatible, so why isn't the E-shop unified on the back end? I know you could switch to Wii mode and access them that way right? Ugh this is all really dreadful because all these games are going to need to be re-released ONE MORE TIME when the NX comes out and the back end of the new e-shop is unified with all platforms and devices. I really hope Nintendo gets the online experience right this time. Don't get me wrong, I do love my fair share of Miiverse and the online experience of Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8. Voice chat would be nice as well, the majority of Nintendo fans aren't kids.... Every 12-16 year old kid I know say Xbox is the cool shit and want the next CoD!

I understand they want to protect their audience from harassment and course language but actions speak louder than words. I've seen my fair share of cockmobile in Mario Kart DS.


Never understood the appeal behind pokémon stadium. You just choose pre determined pokémons that you did'nt have to work to catch in pokémon battle, with no context or story...

As for I, I'm super happy about DK64, it was my favorite N64 game. Paper Mario is nice to, as for SM64 it was a abvious choice. Now I want Mario Party2 and Pokémon Snap.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


I probably won't like it as much as I did back then, but it still would be fun to go back and play.">"><img src="

Captain_Yuri said:
I hope they get some GC ones on there. I would love to play TTYD again

This. So much this xD 

Hope GC games announcement comes at E3.">"><img src="

Around the Network

does anyone else wish that they'd still release VC titles on the wii along side the wii u? A. i'd like to keep my digital collection tidy, so until they release every game i have on the wiiu i'm not switching over, and B. When i retro game i usually play multiple games. It would be so annoying to have to switch modes to play different games. C. I'd rather be able to use up the wii memory before touching the u memory. (i guess a and b were kind of the same)
Anyone one else?

Why are people saying GCN? GameCube Nintendo?
It should be NGC, not GCN, or simply just GC.
Better yet, why not PS2 Jr.?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

It would be awesome if Mischief Makers would come out for the WiiU VC! Such an underrated gem...

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

CarcharodonKraz said:
does anyone else wish that they'd still release VC titles on the wii along side the wii u? A. i'd like to keep my digital collection tidy, so until they release every game i have on the wiiu i'm not switching over, and B. When i retro game i usually play multiple games. It would be so annoying to have to switch modes to play different games. C. I'd rather be able to use up the wii memory before touching the u memory. (i guess a and b were kind of the same)
Anyone one else?

This is exactly the argument I posed earlier on this thread. I don't understand it and everyone seemed to fail to present an answer. Everything is going to very likely need to be rereleased one final time when the NX comes out. Then everything will be unified, I'm pretty sure they stated that they will be making a new and perfected eShop. Likely under a new name to represent a stronger brand image.

Mario21238 said:
off topic, Is there a chance for Banjo Kazooie?

That's not happening.

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