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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the XBO version of FFXV a mistake?

Ka-pi96 said:
HollyGamer said:

not if we are comparing Xbox One and PS4 you have to read  discussion in comparing both "console  platform" especially on games that at least for now "not coming to PC ". and even current consoles architecture based on x86 it work far differently with standard  PC, so you cannot " directly compared"  PC and consoles.

PC is relevant. If people want to bang on about 'superior' graphics or pixel counts or whatever then they should actually have the best. If they don't then they should expect to be told their platform is inferior just as much as they tell that to everyone else.

This ^^^

I won't go around telling others their platform is inferior if they don't do the same.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Chazore said:
Ka-pi96 said:
HollyGamer said:

not if we are comparing Xbox One and PS4 you have to read  discussion in comparing both "console  platform" especially on games that at least for now "not coming to PC ". and even current consoles architecture based on x86 it work far differently with standard  PC, so you cannot " directly compared"  PC and consoles.

PC is relevant. If people want to bang on about 'superior' graphics or pixel counts or whatever then they should actually have the best. If they don't then they should expect to be told their platform is inferior just as much as they tell that to everyone else.

This ^^^

I won't go around telling others their platform is inferior if they don't do the same.

NOT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!, NO YOU DONT !!!!!!!!!!!, hey you know what?  you can bring a sample pic FF XV  resolution on PC  it's 0 resolution  with 0 frame rate / second 

Chazore said:
whatever said:

There is only one person here being childish (an eye for an eye?  LOL).  And if you don't like the forum discussions here, go somewhere else.  Sorry you can't handle someone pointing out that you are making an invalid argument. 

That would be you then LOL.

If you don't like the fatcs them you can also go somewhere else, I'm sorry you can't handle someone pointing out that you are trying to invalidate some facts.

Good day =^).

Wow, you really are very immature for your age.


-Mr Khan

I think the problem with Square Enix and other Japanese third parties in general is the fact they chose to stay exclusively with the Playstation platform for too long. You now have games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy being outsold by Call of Duty and Skyrim. It would make no sense at this point to not port Final Fantasy XV unless they want to further diminish the series.

whatever said:

Wow, you really are very immature for your age.

Keep playing your card, I'm sure it will turn up for you someday, also keep on that high horse of immaturity.

Also you're derailing this even further just an fyi =^).


-Mr Khan

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Legend11 said:
I think the problem with Square Enix and other Japanese third parties in general is the fact they chose to stay exclusively with the Playstation platform for too long. You now have games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy being outsold by Call of Duty and Skyrim. It would make no sense at this point to not port Final Fantasy XV unless they want to further diminish the series.

They stayed in the 90's through out the 2000's. They dismissed Xbox platform because Japanese folks didn't adopt it.

However, what they didn't see clearly was that, the gaming world was expanding and Japan was not the center anymore.

Goatseye said:
Legend11 said:
I think the problem with Square Enix and other Japanese third parties in general is the fact they chose to stay exclusively with the Playstation platform for too long. You now have games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy being outsold by Call of Duty and Skyrim. It would make no sense at this point to not port Final Fantasy XV unless they want to further diminish the series.

They stayed in the 90's through out the 2000's. They dismissed Xbox platform because Japanese folks didn't adopt it.

However, what they didn't see clearly was that, the gaming world was expanding and Japan was not the center anymore.

Exactly, I think one of the biggest mistakes of last gen was making Metal Gear 4 a Playstation exclusive and now it's no surprise (at least to me) to see Konami now looking like it might fall apart.  It's too bad that an innovative brand like Xbox wasn't more successful in Japan last generation as innovation is what Japan really needed.

irstupid said:
LMU Uncle Alfred said:

Ok, but how often do you actually see a set of characters that look like FFXV's  in a AAA RPG?  Much less any AAA game?  They're all wearing a specific desginer's kind of black.  If I recall correctly from past articles, the family at the top with Noctis's dad runs like the Yakuza or something like a mafia, so that could come into play.  

Even still, it's a fresher change of pace than what we usually see.  I can't remember any AAA game that had characters that looked like this, in this kind of setting.  

Leaving aside what they will all be like in the end, evidence shows so far that they're far from emo.  Noctis just seems to be very sleepy.  He's not brooding, he's just lazy.

I won't give spoilers, but he thanks someone at the end of the demo very politely, so he's not rude or detached from people either.

you know what their look makes me think of more than a boy band.  have you ever read manga?  everyone once in a while a manga will have a color spread before a chapter.  There is a guarantee that at some point it will put the main cast in suits and have them in some gangster/mob look.  Always looks stupid imo.

Or go to deviant art and see people draw fanfiction of their characters in also said same look.

This is what it makes me feel like.  Final fantasy since FF8 has always been pretty much all pretty boys anyway, but they have always had some rediculous outfit that hasl ike 50 peices somehow.  Well this game just makes it feel like the final fantasy cast is cosplaying in a mobster outfit.

FF4 begs to differ.   

Also I referred to video games, not any other medium.  Specifically AAA produced RPGs, but might as well include all AAA games at this point . 

There isn't a game out there that will look and feel like FFXV from I'm seeing.  It has some interesting juxtapositions that might very well work.

And we NEED it to work.

Lube Me Up

nah, it was going to sell more on the PS4 anyway no harm in S-E making a little more cash. Although I think the sales expectations will be lower than both S-E and MS expected

Protendo said:
I think all we are seeing is a developer that is focusing more on the PS4 version and porting to the Xbox One later.

Looking at Final Fantasy 0, it's easy to see why they would put more work on the PS4 version. After Final Fantasy 0 sales split, it will be easy (cheap) for Sony to gain RPG exclusives. That's the only worry. I don't see why they would do that though, as RPGs sell PS4's as it is.

Sony has been getting JRPG exclusives for years