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irstupid said:
LMU Uncle Alfred said:

Ok, but how often do you actually see a set of characters that look like FFXV's  in a AAA RPG?  Much less any AAA game?  They're all wearing a specific desginer's kind of black.  If I recall correctly from past articles, the family at the top with Noctis's dad runs like the Yakuza or something like a mafia, so that could come into play.  

Even still, it's a fresher change of pace than what we usually see.  I can't remember any AAA game that had characters that looked like this, in this kind of setting.  

Leaving aside what they will all be like in the end, evidence shows so far that they're far from emo.  Noctis just seems to be very sleepy.  He's not brooding, he's just lazy.

I won't give spoilers, but he thanks someone at the end of the demo very politely, so he's not rude or detached from people either.

you know what their look makes me think of more than a boy band.  have you ever read manga?  everyone once in a while a manga will have a color spread before a chapter.  There is a guarantee that at some point it will put the main cast in suits and have them in some gangster/mob look.  Always looks stupid imo.

Or go to deviant art and see people draw fanfiction of their characters in also said same look.

This is what it makes me feel like.  Final fantasy since FF8 has always been pretty much all pretty boys anyway, but they have always had some rediculous outfit that hasl ike 50 peices somehow.  Well this game just makes it feel like the final fantasy cast is cosplaying in a mobster outfit.

FF4 begs to differ.   

Also I referred to video games, not any other medium.  Specifically AAA produced RPGs, but might as well include all AAA games at this point . 

There isn't a game out there that will look and feel like FFXV from I'm seeing.  It has some interesting juxtapositions that might very well work.

And we NEED it to work.

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