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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rock Band 4 (PS4/XBO) Coming Out This Year. Supports Old Instruments and 2168 Songs!(Update) Added a Q&A portion from the team.

Darwinianevolution said:
Why isn't it coming to the WiiU? If all of the devices are compatible with the Wii, there's no reason to... Oh, right, EA is the owner and distributor of the game. They wouldn't support the U even when it's so obvious.

Actually it looks like EA don't have anything to do with Rock Band 4.

They're self publishing by the looks and make a point in there video that they don't have any corporate overlords telling them what to do anymore.

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This just made my day. Lover of that game, will definitely get the upgraded kit; am going to buy the new guitar and drums and port over all 1400 of my songs!

Seriously just made my day!

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that video is almost sad...

...but BC for instruments and BC for the songs i've downloaded (well maybe not all but all that are availible in RB4) makes this a insta buy for me.  i still love the game and am glad to be able to play it on my next gen console.


just curious now what dlc is still avalible.   just the dlc tracks or the disc stuff i ported from 1 into 2 into 3 and want to port into 4.   also, i know it won't happen but i wish they port up rock band beatles,... soo my favorite one in the franchise.

kitler53 said:

that video is almost sad...

...but BC for instruments and BC for the songs i've downloaded (well maybe not all but all that are availible in RB4) makes this a insta buy for me.  i still love the game and am glad to be able to play it on my next gen console.


just curious now what dlc is still avalible.   just the dlc tracks or the disc stuff i ported from 1 into 2 into 3 and want to port into 4.   also, i know it won't happen but i wish they port up rock band beatles,... soo my favorite one in the franchise.

From what I can tell, anything you already have will be available on PS4/XBO. so, if you downloaded the Spinal Tap pack, even though the licensing ran out, you can still play it on PS4.  however, if you hadn't bought it, you won't be able to.  

I am okay with this, since I have all of the songs I want. 

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Darwinianevolution said:
Why isn't it coming to the WiiU? If all of the devices are compatible with the Wii, there's no reason to... Oh, right, EA is the owner and distributor of the game. They wouldn't support the U even when it's so obvious.

I would buy this

I bought 3 gutair heroes and rock band 1 and 2 on the wii



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The only thing that's dousing my spirits on this announcement is that there won't be any keyboard parts in Rock Band 4. I'm not too choked up, as I never mastered that instrument like I did drums and guitar and vocals, but that's one of the biggest things to me: I wanted to learn it. it gave me something new and interesting to do so I could relive the times back on rock Band 1 when I was just learning drums. or Guitar Hero 1/2 when I first learned fake plastic guitar.

Hopefully they change their minds.

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Darwinianevolution said:
Why isn't it coming to the WiiU? If all of the devices are compatible with the Wii, there's no reason to... Oh, right, EA is the owner and distributor of the game. They wouldn't support the U even when it's so obvious.

EA has nothing to do with this. harmonix is an independent studio. I hear indie games suck anyways.

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no keyboard parts is disappointing, I really like it, altough I "cheat" by using 2 hands

So uhm.... Vgchartz rock band league? Who wants to be in a band 😁

kitler53 said:

tjust curious now what dlc is still avalible.   just the dlc tracks or the disc stuff i ported from 1 into 2 into 3 and want to port into 4.   also, i know it won't happen but i wish they port up rock band beatles,... soo my favorite one in the franchise.

Why would you want a port of The Beatles ed? The game will have the same music (maybe with DLC included)... is it really graphics?

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