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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony's Woes Show Just How Bad Nintendo's Are

FarleyMcFirefly said:
Marks said:

Right on man thanks. Got Pikmin and MK8, might have to check out a few of the rest you named. 

What genre of games are you into out of curiosity?

My main ones would probably be WRPG, first/third person shooter, sports, platforming, and racing. Only ones I'm not really into are fighting,  hack n slash, and JRPG. 

I really need to try Pikmin 3. My gf has that and quite enjoyed it but I haven't played it yet. 

What about you?

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Marks said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

What genre of games are you into out of curiosity?

My main ones would probably be WRPG, first/third person shooter, sports, platforming, and racing. Only ones I'm not really into are fighting,  hack n slash, and JRPG. 

I really need to try Pikmin 3. My gf has that and quite enjoyed it but I haven't played it yet. 

What about you?

I see why the Wii U is not the system for you lol, aside from platformers and Kart racers, there isn't a whole lot in the genres you like.

I'm a big platformer, which is probably why I'm such a huge Ninty fan haha.  I like anything really, except for first person shooters or sports games (extreme sports games like SSX are amazing though).


Tachikoma said:
theprof00 said:

That's called selective data.

If I wanted to find the average age of people who liked looking at naked ladies would I go to a strip club and poll the people there?

strip clubs have an age limit, youtube doesnt.

You're missing the point. There is an age barrier, as well as many other social barriers that might prevent others from being represented by a youtube sample. Ability to use a computer, access to unfetered internet access, amount of spare time, regional discrepancies, interest level. Like, some people just aren't interested in youtube.

It's not what is scientifically accepted as evidence. It's not a random sampling.

It's a sample of a demographic within a demographic.

Such a statistic could only at best be qualified with the wording "the main demographic age, based on channel subscriptions on youtube", instead of "the main demographic age is".

This is why I used the strip club as a metaphor, because there are barriers. If you wanted to be technical, I could instead just say "I ask all my friends on facebook". It's not obvious if you don't know my age, but all my friends are going to be 18-30....and not to belabor a point, but not all my friends are on it because of inability to use the app, internet access, disinterest, etc.

FarleyMcFirefly said:
Marks said:


I see why the Wii U is not the system for you lol, aside from platformers and Kart racers, there isn't a whole lot in the genres you like.

I'm a big platformer, which is probably why I'm such a huge Ninty fan haha.  I like anything really, except for first person shooters or sports games (extreme sports games like SSX are amazing though).

Haha that's fair my good man. Yeah I can't even play Smash Brothers, I just don't enjoy fighting games at all haha. But of course Mario Kart and any main series Mario is awesome! Part of my problem too is I grew up with Playstation as well as getting into 360 last gen. Never owned a Nintendo home console, just gameboys haha. 

Are you a strictly Nintendo guy or are you into them all?

oniyide said:

as much as i wish that to be true I see no evidence for that. The series has stayed pretty much the same sales wise since OOT, hell it even dropped a bit

I'll answer you with another question. Which game is better. Twilight princess or skyward sword? Why do you think TP doubled SS in sales? Metacritic has a 3 point difference between the two.

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sundin13 said:
theprof00 said:

I think pokemon just keeps selling because it hasn't changed.

Okay, I understand your point even if I somewhat disagree with it.

First of all, 2D Mario Games are much more accessible than 3D Mario Games, even if we as gamers see them as both being simple. People who don't traditionally play games can jump into 2D mario and play it with some level of competence, and jumping in isn't as simple with 3D Mario Games. You also have the fact that NSMB came out after what, 14 years of no 2D mario games? Everybody who wanted that sort of experience got it with these games, which also happened to fall on tremendously popular consoles inviting in a huge audience of non-fans.

3D Mario games have been releasing in a fairly steady stream and they aren't as accessible and they aren't as low supply as 2D mario games. Now with the 3DS and the Wii U, after 2D Mario games have increased in supply, the demand has largely normalized to the point where sales are quite close between the 3D and the 2D Mario games. 

Then you have franchises like Kirby, Metroid, Zelda, Pokemon etc which have all shown fairly consistent sales numbers across the board with games like Metroid, Zelda and Kirby having fairly radical changes while maintaining the user base...I don't think you have enough evidence to support your point here

theprof00 said:

In my opinion, and I know people here think I'm talking nonsense, that is the average age and gender of the head of the houshold, ie; the purchasers account.

The more I think about it, the less that makes sense. You are required to give your gender etc when signing up for a NNID which is required to use the eShop. You are not required to input any Credit Card data. Why would they use the data that is less complete and is more difficult to obtain when they have full demographics in front of them?

Ok so I'm gunna address the first part.

Given your basis in saying 2d is more accessible, are you then asserting that NSMB's 60m in sales is so big because Non-gamers bought it?

The second part of that paragraph I agree with. It's 14 years of people who played 2d mario, buying a new 2d mario. That is my suspicion why it is so high. Old fans came back.

Zelda games tend to sell best as their first game on the system. Subsequent releases aren't as supported. It's been true every gen, no exception.

Marks said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

I see why the Wii U is not the system for you lol, aside from platformers and Kart racers, there isn't a whole lot in the genres you like.

I'm a big platformer, which is probably why I'm such a huge Ninty fan haha.  I like anything really, except for first person shooters or sports games (extreme sports games like SSX are amazing though).

Haha that's fair my good man. Yeah I can't even play Smash Brothers, I just don't enjoy fighting games at all haha. But of course Mario Kart and any main series Mario is awesome! Part of my problem too is I grew up with Playstation as well as getting into 360 last gen. Never owned a Nintendo home console, just gameboys haha. 

Are you a strictly Nintendo guy or are you into them all?

Mostly Nintendo. I do own a PS2 and will get an Xbox One for Kingdom Hearts III and Batman Arkham Knight. Ironically the Wii U has introduced me to many great 3rd party series (Like Arkham, Assassin's Creed, Resident Evil)


Marks said:
POE said:

Since launch.

Like what?

Not asking to be a dick, actually curious since I don't pay much attention to the Wii U. My gf has one so wouldn't hurt to know. 

Not that I doubt it would matter to you but 

Super Mario 3D World

Mario Kart 8

Zombi U

Super Smash Bros. U

Bayonetta 1 + 2

Pikmin 3

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Wonderful 101

Rayman Legends

Zelda: Wind Waker HD

Hyrule Warriors

Captain Toad



Are pretty good games. 

That said it's not bringing Nintendo much commercial success. 

I think PS4 has the best line up, with more games and more variety. For the exclusive, it's a metter of taste and opinions, and having a higher meta does not represent the whole story. I consider the Order a very good game, and I prefer to play it than Mario Kart ;why me and many other gamers should care about 'these so called professional reviewers' ? I love TPS, while I get bored with cartoony Kart games; just my taste.

I like Nintendo, don't get me wrong, I loved my N64 and GC, but they were different console from Wii and WiiU. I lost interest in Nintendo once the Wii came out. Hope they will release a true next gen home console next time, with some fresh IP and new ideas.

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

It's funny if you hade asked me two years ago if Nintendo could have gone toe to toe with Sony and Microsoft with a more powerfull console i would have called you crazy. Looking back now at PS4 and XBone sales and the almost complete reliance on multi-platform i would say Nintendo should have done just that.

Nintendo has it's competition absolutely beat so far when it comes to exclusives. But for every exclusive it releases the Wii-U misses out on 2 or 3 big multi plats. Just take a look at PS4's best seller list: 9 multiplats and 1 remaster from last gen. How many of those multiplats did Wii-U get? Only one wich is Watch Dogs and it got it half a year later than the rest.

Not to mention all the other advantages Wii-U has: Free online, second screen for gaming, backwards compatibility.