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FarleyMcFirefly said:
Marks said:


I see why the Wii U is not the system for you lol, aside from platformers and Kart racers, there isn't a whole lot in the genres you like.

I'm a big platformer, which is probably why I'm such a huge Ninty fan haha.  I like anything really, except for first person shooters or sports games (extreme sports games like SSX are amazing though).

Haha that's fair my good man. Yeah I can't even play Smash Brothers, I just don't enjoy fighting games at all haha. But of course Mario Kart and any main series Mario is awesome! Part of my problem too is I grew up with Playstation as well as getting into 360 last gen. Never owned a Nintendo home console, just gameboys haha. 

Are you a strictly Nintendo guy or are you into them all?