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Marks said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

What genre of games are you into out of curiosity?

My main ones would probably be WRPG, first/third person shooter, sports, platforming, and racing. Only ones I'm not really into are fighting,  hack n slash, and JRPG. 

I really need to try Pikmin 3. My gf has that and quite enjoyed it but I haven't played it yet. 

What about you?

I see why the Wii U is not the system for you lol, aside from platformers and Kart racers, there isn't a whole lot in the genres you like.

I'm a big platformer, which is probably why I'm such a huge Ninty fan haha.  I like anything really, except for first person shooters or sports games (extreme sports games like SSX are amazing though).
