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Forums - Sony Discussion - The order's 1886 first review 7,5/10

Areym said:

Sounds fair enough. I have no quarrel with QTE so it won't be a negative for me (unless the final boss or a major boss is QTE exclusive)

you're going to be really disappointed.

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the_real_dsister44 said:
mornelithe said:

That's why I used the term 'I think' because I knew it was one of the Uncharted's, but wasn't sure which one.  It was Uncharted 3, and yes, they gave it a 50.

Your post really confuses me sorry. First yu gave me the wrong game. Second you are comparing one outlier review to the average of another game altogether. And thirdly AV club didn't even review Knack. It makes me sad that I spent the 30 seconds to look up the "facts" around your post. =(

It took you 30 seconds to look that up?  Jeez, you're slow.

mornelithe said:

It took you 30 seconds to look that up?  Jeez, you're slow.

Yeah, I had to look at Uncharted 2's page, then at Uncharted 3's, then I had to search Knack's page for the AV Club. But I guess Vgc is now the place where I can just make grandiose statements and not have to worry about facts :P

This game is worth $18.86 for a 18000 second (5 hour) game.

keroncoward said:
This game is worth $18.86 for a 18000 second (5 hour) game.

That doesn´t sound as clever as you think, imo

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1 review and already all these replies? Lol
I bet some are itching to call dibs on the review thread for all the easy points

Damn, I guess everybody must be speedrunning this game. Right guys? Right????

A 7.5 isn't really all that bad imo, that's average which is good, at least it;s not a 5 or 4 or even a 6.

I will voice that I do dislike QTE's a lot though, didn't like them in Resi 4-6 or games that rely heavily on the use of them but I was fine with them in games like God of War and Kingdom of Amalur where they were used for epic finishing moves, there are definitely sets of QTE's that can be done right and others that can be done wrong, there's never just good universal QTE's.

Even with that score though if I had a PS4 and was holding on reviews for the game, if the board across scored roughly 7.5's or slightly higher/lower I'd wait till the price drops a bit.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

onionberry said:
Areym said:

Sounds fair enough. I have no quarrel with QTE so it won't be a negative for me (unless the final boss or a major boss is QTE exclusive)

you're going to be really disappointed.

That is bummer. Still, if the rest of the games shines, I might turn a blind eye.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

7,5/10 ? So it's better than Ryse

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