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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Halo MCC, AC Unity or DriveClub. Which was the biggest mess?


Biggest mess?

Halo Master Chief Collection 199 48.30%
Assassin's Creed Unity 134 32.52%
DriveClub 77 18.69%
foodfather said:
Not quite sure what this threads getting at. Two of those games are crap, while the other, might be a bit broken, but its by far the most accomplished of the lot. Yeah, I'm talking about the one with over 100 maps. Great game, been finding games regularly for the past month.

How are the PS+ users finding Driveclub....oh wait....

Seeing how most Driveclub owners are PS+ users I think they're finding it quite well.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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vivster said:
foodfather said:
Not quite sure what this threads getting at. Two of those games are crap, while the other, might be a bit broken, but its by far the most accomplished of the lot. Yeah, I'm talking about the one with over 100 maps. Great game, been finding games regularly for the past month.

How are the PS+ users finding Driveclub....oh wait....

Seeing how most Driveclub owners are PS+ users I think they're finding it quite well.

But are most PS+ users Driveclub owners?

I haven't played Driveclub so can't comment on that. out of the other two it is hands down AC, Halo while it major multi player issues (especially around match making) was still quite playable and doubly so for me as It has a great single player game which I actually prefer to MP anyway for Halo.

Surprised at the poll. I can't see how the answer can be anything other than Driveclub.

It got utterly hammered in reviews which now no longer reflect in any way whatsoever what the current product is like, and I think it has had a far bigger impact on sales than Master Chief Collections launch issues had.

As for AC: Unity, it was never a decent product in the first place so matters far less.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Kerotan said:
All 3 equally fucked up. The MCC might still be fucked but it released after driveclub so it's not worse yet. halo and assassin creed are 2 really big brands and a lot of damage has been done. Sony are lucky it wasn't gran turismo they fucked up.

There would be no debate then because GT fans are pretty hardcore. They would've been very vocal about the situation. I think Polyphony is above releasing a broken game however. They are notorious for taking their time until it's just right.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


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jlmurph2 said:
vivster said:
foodfather said:
Not quite sure what this threads getting at. Two of those games are crap, while the other, might be a bit broken, but its by far the most accomplished of the lot. Yeah, I'm talking about the one with over 100 maps. Great game, been finding games regularly for the past month.

How are the PS+ users finding Driveclub....oh wait....

Seeing how most Driveclub owners are PS+ users I think they're finding it quite well.

But are most PS+ users Driveclub owners?

Why would they? The general PS+ user has better taste than to buy some racing game that neither contains explosions or bananas.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
jlmurph2 said:
vivster said:

Seeing how most Driveclub owners are PS+ users I think they're finding it quite well.

But are most PS+ users Driveclub owners?

Why would they? The general PS+ user has better taste than to buy some racing game that neither contains explosions or bananas.

That awesome discount. But yeah I guess you're right.

Dunno why MCC is top of the poll considering the fuck ups Ubisoft has had for ages now, Tetris, The crew, Unity, past creed games etc, 343 makes one codge up and that somehow trumps anything ubisoft has done, look I know ubisoft fuck up on a regular basis but someone fucking up once or twice should never trump one who fucks up a lot.

I see Unity as the biggest fuck up out of the 3, it runs terrible, it's got "micro trans" which aren't micro and have you paying upwards to £100 in game, SLI PC's having trouble, consoles having trouble, a multiplayer issue from MCC is nothing compared to the whole game of Unity not working as any game should, you can say MCC is all about multiplayer but really the game is also about it's story, Creed has always been about story first and multiplayer later, Halo does both, otherwise if you claim multiplayer is the main bread and butter then why waste all the effort towards the story, why bother, why does it exist?.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Because of the massive hype around it I'd have to say MCC.

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2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

I will say Unity, since it's bugs affect the entire game, while DriveClub and MCC pretty much allowed you to play the single player portion flawlessly.

And it's easier to fix a problem with the online portion (DC did it, MCC will probably get it right in the next months), while we can assume Unity will remain broken.