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Forums - Website Topics - Who do you look up to and admire on VGChartz?

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The fact that he thinks I'm an Xbox fanboy is beyond funny

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NobleTeam360 said:
The fact that he thinks I'm an Xbox fanboy is beyond funny

You are one. You pretend not to be, but you're not kidding anyone.">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
NobleTeam360 said:
The fact that he thinks I'm an Xbox fanboy is beyond funny

You are one. You pretend not to be, but you're not kidding anyone.  

But I'm not one, I guess it must be my user name that confuses other fanboys  

Toastboy was awesome. Rol and Vivster l just crack me. I have a few others but I don't want it to go over their head.

.- -... -.-. -..

I guess the ones I look up to are ethomaz, pezus and Wright.

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I do enjoy fellow Ninty fans like Curl-6(his bluntness), the Dengle(his deep research into topic), AZWification (his carefreeness), Explodingblock (his off the wall randomness), Pwerlvlamy (her laidbackness).

Sony side: Augen (just classy), Naroball (non bias guy), XanderXT and TheSonyGirl (Power couple... reminds me of how I was when I was a young teen ).

Xboners: Ka-pi96(laidback humor) and Seece (gotta respect the guy).


happysquirrel (if anyone remembers him)




If I say who I look up to they probably will become insufferable because they already reached their life goal in such young years.

 But there are a few. Well, probably not looking up to but having respect for. To look up to someone would mean that I think they're better than me.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Spurge, JWeinCom, Curl-6, Smeags, Carl2291, AZWification, and Seece


I guess for me it was Curl-6.