haxxiy said:
niallyb said:
Ill give the OP a pass because he's 15 and so clearly doesnt have the experience to really understand. Its possible he's asking a genuine question and not trolliing.
But dear OP - women are woefully underrepresented at senior political positions and in the executive suites in corporations. They earn 79cents for every dollar a man makes. They are still not guaranteed equal protection under the constitution.
When old white republican politicians are passing leglislation on womens health - without actually talking to any women, its pretty clear there is a long way to go before they reach true social equality. The Equal rights amendment still has not passed -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_Rights_Amendment - primarily because congress is full of rich old white men who are more interested in protecting their privilege and are generally threatened by the notion of true equality.
Spend more time talking to women, gays, other ethnic and religious groups. In fact do it as much as you can. Its the only way you'll understand them. Then one day you will laugh at the naievite of your post. On the other hand - if you don't reach out and learn from people who are different from what youve experienced up to now, then you run the risk of growing up into an old bigoted republican who is afraid of everthing.
Now go ask your mom the same question you asked here. See if she will make it a serious discussion for you . You'll learn a lot about the extra bullshit your mom had to put up with in her life, just because shes a woman.
Western culture is the reason women have rights in the world. Your "other ethnic and religious groups" have done a fairly great job opressing them, in fact, and often think a lot like your "old white men" when it comes to social and cultural standings. Why do you think Proposition 8 got approved on California, out of all places? I don't think you are looking at the whole picture and instead opt for a manichean view of the world where everything traditionally western is evil, when your dearly held values came from the West, and everything else is good, and forgetting what non-western values were actually like.
ROFL at almost everything you wrote. Western culture is not the sole reason that women have any rights in the world (see ancient Egypt). In fact for a most of the last 2 thousand years in the west - a woman was the property of her husband and had no legal rights of her own (England until the 18th century, Ancient Rome etc)
You've shown off a massive amount of prejudice about anything that isnt white, western and male - and remarkably little knowledge. You also have trouble reading, I never said that women had more rights in other places (though they do - see Sweden and Ireland). I was making the point that diversity is important and he can only hope to understand others if he makes an attempt to engage with them. I pointed that out in the hope that the OP would use it as an opportunity to grow out of his current state of total ignorance. He's only 15 and deservesa responsible answer instead of prejudiced rantings.
I do love thought that you tried to make me responsible for all non western cultures and gays by calling them mine. I'm from Ireland and have lived in several countries (all western) and have dual American/Irish citizenship. However I have many friends from different backgrounds and have travelled a LOT and unlike you I understand that people deserve respect.
Its an empirical legal fact that women don't have the same rights and opportunities as men in the US. It's not an opinion statement. They deserve full equality.
Insulting people because they believe in equality makes you look very small indeed. I'm guessing you don't have a girlfriend. I'm guessing youre straight because no gay man would listen to such prejudiced muck for long.