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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's your favourite vaporware?

Star Wars Battlefront sequel

It probably will happen but I haven't heard anything in ages.

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Sadness for the Wii. It just saddened me.

TimeSplitters 4, Metroid Dread and Starcraft Ghost to name a few!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Hmmm... don't know, Pikmin 3 finally launched last year, after waiting for nearly a decade.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

Shadow of the Eternals (sequel to Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem)


In the absence of evidence to the contrary, always assume you have the upper hand.

NNID = RangerOne

Switch = SW-2393-3671-6907

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Cry On for 360. Would have been nice to say Cry On to 360 fans.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

TimeSplitters 4!

I'm saying Beyond Good & Evil 2 unless we ever get another update.

It might as well be called vapourware... >->

Shadow of the Beast? I mean, this game disappeared like 2 years ago. Does Lily Bergamo counts? It vanished for quite some time and then transformed into another type of game... wtf.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

I was thinking how they missed the boat to announce Duke Nukem Forever 2 and then not release any new info for years.