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Forums - Politics Discussion - 18 year old girl dates her dad for 2 years and is going to marry him. Please Lock..

Well, society loves daddies if you go by the amount of porn based on that. Also, hopefully the dad is actually hot. There are some hot daddies out there. Anybody got a pic?

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Goremichel said:


Hunting Season is done...

What the actual fuck....

Weird story, bro.


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Just like my opinion on beastiality: Gross, but since it's not hurting anyone they should be able to do it.

This feels fake though. The part about her father's girlfriend of 8 years being okay with it and treating her as her daughter is very hard to believe.


Edit: After having another thought maybe incest is best kept illegal. Especially when it's parent child relationship. Parents have a lot of influence on their children and if it was legal you might see a lot of scum parents trying to influence that into their children or something like that :p.


judging by the title though that's messed up as!

Seece said:
"this or the fact that its legal in New Jersey. "

And why the fuck shouldn't it be legal? What those two is none of your damn business or anyone elses. They're consenting adults not doing anyone any harm.

Just like with homosexual couples, its usually the children of these couples that will suffer the most


-Mr Khan

OdinHades said:
Wright said:

I don't understand why incest is illegal in the first place. I've never understand what's so forbidden about it, given that incest is a must as species when they went from a single pair to a whole ecosystem.

Do you really think humanity evolved out of one single pair?

I kinda said that as to give a reasoning why incest doesn't really should be "taboo" as in the need for outlaw it.


That being said, regarding your question, I've never put too much thought into our development as species and how species grew from very small numbers to a huge crowd, so my comment might be way ignorant in the first place.

Fucked up and disgusting. Not a single argument can sway me away from saying this is something okey. Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!