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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bayonetta 2 sold less than 135K in the US

Bayonetta 2 everywhere I go is sold out. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised it was over tracked, but by over 180k? That seems a little unreasonable.

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Paatar said:
Bayonetta 2 everywhere I go is sold out. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised it was over tracked, but by over 180k? That seems a little unreasonable.

VGC being massively off on niche Japanese games is fairly common.  It has almost become standard for NPD to show fewer sales in the first month than the number of preorders VGC shows.

Also while availability seems limited, it hardly seems sold out.  Most Targets and Best Buys near me show it in stock, and it is also in stock online.  All nearby Gamestops have it and it is also in stock online.  Amazon has it as well.

Yakuzaice said:
Paatar said:
Bayonetta 2 everywhere I go is sold out. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised it was over tracked, but by over 180k? That seems a little unreasonable.

VGC being massively off on niche Japanese games is fairly common.  It has almost become standard for NPD to show fewer sales in the first month than the number of preorders VGC shows.

Also while availability seems limited, it hardly seems sold out.  Most Targets and Best Buys near me show it in stock, and it is also in stock online.  All nearby Gamestops have it and it is also in stock online.  Amazon has it as well.

It's also about anecdotal evidence.  Just like someone saying "X system is doing terribly because stores around me don't have them stocked."  

pokoko said:
curl-6 said:
pokoko said:

As for a return to Nintendo's former tactics, some of which were illegal, no thank you.  Threatening developers in order to keep them from making games for other systems is horrible, not to mention forcing them to surrender manufacturing rights in order to control production and protect their own games.

Again, if the 8th gen is indicative of what a market ruled by third parties look like, I can scarcely remember a less interesting time to be a gamer.

We're just going to have to disagree there, then.  The SNES era was my least favorite in gaming.  SO many clones and SO many bad movie and TV tie-in games.  Probably more trash games released during the SNES era than any other except the Atari era.  That it was completely dominated by only a few genres certainly didn't help, either.  

Not only do I fail to see how it is any much different, but I would say it just had gotten worse. Nowadays consoles are dominated by only one genre, shooters; Movie and TV tie-in games are still generally bad games. There where more trashy games, but they where also much easier to avoid and didn't get überhyped trough endless media campaigns. And don't get me even started on the clones, as everyone just copies sucessful concepts without even trying to come up with anyting really new or at least fresh.

It certainly is disappointing.

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curl-6 said:

Bayonetta has never sold strongly on any system, including Playstation and Xbox. It is a niche game, it's as simple, (and as tragic) as that.

Yep. Too bad this will be twisted into "Oh, Nintendo fans just don't like buying good games!" 

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Blood_Tears said:
Conegamer said:
Blood_Tears said:
Hideki Kamiya told all the customers willing to buy it to F*ck off on Twitter….so it looks like they did just that. Tough love, awe well…

I think you're misremembering that.

Well to be fair, they were port begging yes but still potential customers. You want to sell your game to these people, not irratate them.

That's like if I ask CD about a Tomb Raider port to PS4 and they tell me to fuck off, you think I am gonna buy an X1 and a copy of their game, hell no! 

Bottom line is, his attitide didn't help sell this game. People on gaf and other forums may think he's cool for calling people idiots on twitter and acting like a bad ass but Platinum games doesn't need a bad ass, they need a game that actually sells. Seriously, if I'm developer whose games have sold as bad as the majority of PG's, I wouldn't be running my mouth on Twitter in 2014/2015. There's a good reason why people like Phil Spencer and Shu for that matter get so much praise. They know how to handle the public.

That attitude is exactly why I traded for a copy of Wonderful 101 instead of buying it new. My wife bought Bayonetta 2 for Christmas so he still go some of my money. 


On one hand he's right to defend his situation, he just doesn't really attract people to the Platinum, Bayonetta or Wonderful 101 brands. He can be "hard" and still sell his stuff well.

FrozenXIV said:
Am I the only one who thinks Bayonetta 2 looks more like a PlayStation game then a Nintendo game ?... I bet the game would of sell alot more on PS.

Bayonetta 1 would like to have a word with you.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Yikes. Unfortunately its even a bigger flop than expected. Not good but I can't say I'm surprised.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

badgenome said:
pokoko said:

You're crazy.

I don't forget because I couldn't afford to buy games and got almost everything I played from my local video rental store.  Unfortunately, it was run by a middle aged lady who knew nothing about games, so she just ordered stluff like 3 Ninjas: Kick Back and Demolition Man because the movies were popular.  Because of this, I didn't even KNOW the SNES had RPGs until after I'd pretty much given up on gaming and stumbled on Final Fantasy 6 by accident.

Still, yeah, some of those games were pretty awesome in an unintential way.  

Haha, I was in much the same boat except that I could only talk my parents into renting me a game maybe once a month. But my grandmother was a soft touch, so I did most of my renting when I stayed at her house. She lived in a podunk little ass town where the Take Two Video smelled exactly like a barn. Fortunately, the people who ran it either knew what was what or (as I kind of suspect was the case) were so clueless that they accidentally stocked a lot of good games along with the usual movie tie-in shit. In any event, they had a Samurai Shodown machine!

My rental days were hit and miss.  Some trash titles I rented.  Hell I remember an NES game that when you actually went to play it, it was a different game than was on the cover.  Then there were some gems like Death and Return of Superman.  I kinda miss those gamble days.  I kinda hope PS+ works out well cause I wouldn't mind risking a few bucks to try something I would never think of trying.