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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All 500GB PS4 console to now come with a copy of The last of Us for $399.99

We got it in Canada to "try" and justify the $50 price hike due to exchange rates

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Madword said:
ZombieVito said:
It's digital only :(

It's worthless.

Very silly opinion indeed.

Agreed. The vast majority of the customers Sony is targeting with this promotion have access to good internet. This isn't 2007 anymore, internet caps and slow bandwith are on their way out for many parts of the world, and are almost completely eliminated in the USA, the territory that is no doubt the reason for the promotion (since it is the biggest stronghold for the Xbox One).

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Burek said:
Dgc1808 said:
Is this the only option? Force bundling an M rated game isn't a problem?

Why should it be a problem? If parents have problems with the game, they can just withhold the game from their kids. It's not like Sony is forcing 9-year olds to play it.

I would think you'd want random teen x to have no problem just walking into a store and buying the console on their own. This means that they must bring a parent. 

4 ≈ One

Puppyroach said:
Time for MS to counter then. Really smart move by Sony though.

The only game MS has on par with this bundle would be the entire Halo collection. 

Brilliant move. This game is a masterpiece and if they give everyone the impression that every first party game is this good then more people will be confident in buying first parties. Not to mention this is keeping the online alive.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Puppyroach said:
Time for MS to counter then. Really smart move by Sony though.

The only game MS has on par with this bundle would be the entire Halo collection. 

Yup, it would be awesome if MCC became a standard pack-in, four games in one :).

Good move. It will help promote Naughty Dog... Might also moderately help TLOU2 if it ever comes out.

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Puppyroach said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The only game MS has on par with this bundle would be the entire Halo collection. 

Yup, it would be awesome if MCC became a standard pack-in, four games in one :).

The hype for Halo 5 would go through the roof.

Dgc1808 said:
Burek said:
Dgc1808 said:
Is this the only option? Force bundling an M rated game isn't a problem?

Why should it be a problem? If parents have problems with the game, they can just withhold the game from their kids. It's not like Sony is forcing 9-year olds to play it.

I would think you'd want random teen x to have no problem just walking into a store and buying the console on their own. This means that they must bring a parent. 

They can still walk in and buy it. The M rating is not a law, it's a recommendation. Not like it's tobacco or alcohol... Anybody can buy a console without restrictions, it is up to parents of those teens to monitor their purchase if they care about it (just like they should monitor any purchases made by children anyway, regardless of content).

GribbleGrunger said:
Ninsect said:

Imagine all the TLoU sales :O

But I agree with other posters, I think a 1TB version is coming for $400 or $450

I think it will be the same price is the standalone at the moment. That extra value of ONE games is enough to offset the extra cost of a 1tb HDD.

Not even close, them giving out TLOU is more or less free. Upgrading to a 1 TB hdd would cost them probably 20ish $ more. We can get a 1 TB 2.5" hdd for roughly 60$ so I would think it would cost them 40$ or so?