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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What consoles did you buy Day One?



PS4 71 33.65%
XOne 15 7.11%
Wii U 33 15.64%
3DS 9 4.27%
PSV 7 3.32%
Other 14 6.64%
None! 62 29.38%

Wii because of Twilight Princess
PS3 Slim because of Batman Arkham Asylum
3DS because...i don't really know
3DS XL because something was wrong with the 3DS bottom screen
WiiU because i had the money and there were some interesting games

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Sega Dreamcast also bought SoulCalibur that day which is still my favorite launch (technically it isn't one since the console first launched in Japan on November 27, 1998) title on any console.

Hmmm, my day 1 console purchases have been

Wii u

My first month purchases have been

All of the above
Xbox 360

ExplodingBlock said:
For me it was Wii U

I bought it on Day One because I got extremely hyped up from everything they showed off at E3

I kinda do regret it, as there was some huge droughts of games in 2013

I got it at launch in anticipation of a new zelda and xenoblade game...

PS4 and I don't regret it.

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I bought my Xbox One on the first day it released in the Netherlands, so it was already on the market for 10 months. I'm not a person to buy a console day-one, but because it already had some games and the holiday season was near, I went for it and I wasn't disappointed.

Add me on Xbox: DWTKarma 

None, I usually have a backlog and you need to give time to the console to get better, usually the launch line-up is poor (or not interesting enough) and the prices high. I wait around 1 year to buy my consoles and it complies with my 2 requirements (less than 250 U$ for only the hardware and 3 games that I am really interested in).

PS4. My first day one console. Will always have a place in my heart

None... Usually it's not even a good idea to buy a console day 1!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

None. I buy a console when I have enough of a reason to buy one.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC