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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sonys american Reign has ended.


then you will prbably never be laughing your ass off...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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MS sells about 2 consoles in NA for each console they sell in the rest of the world. It's just sad...

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


Stever89 said:
Bodhesatva said:
darthdevidem01 said:

I have been saying that since the last page

looks MINe & YOUR comments have been conviniently ignored!

Seems like it :/

Well, the problem is that the Wii's supply has been so crazy we can't know where it'll level off. It levels off at 200k, which seems almost possible, that's a 100% increase over last years regular 100k or so. Until the supply is fixed, or more regular, we can't say the PS3 is gaining on the Wii, because it might still be outsold by 100k or more per week. yes the PS3 has made great strides, but in the scheme of things, until it can constantely outsell the Wii, in any region, and WW, it's just a moot point that it's doing better.

The fact that it is doing better is absolutely significant. The idea that only one console can be a winner is propagated by fanboys of the winning system and bought into by many otherwise reasonable people. The PS3 is gaining ground on the 360, and showing increased sales. This means a third-party developer can reasonably increase the estimations of what a game will sell on the PS3. In the end you don't have to be the best to be extremely profitable (hai2u Xbox compared to Gamecube).

And I will be laughing my ass off when it outsells the Wii lifetime sales.

Never going to happen. Until the PS3 can consistently outsell the Wii on a WW basis the thought of it beating the Wii's lifetime sales is just a silly fanboy notion. Blind fanboyism of this level only detracts from the conversation. No one wants to be the Avinashi of the PS3.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

I think in Europe people are more bothered about the quality of the product when parting with their money, hence why the 360 does not sell as well, the failure rate does not sit well but for some reasons that does not bother the American consumer. I have suffered the 360 fate and even though it has great games i am very unimpressed with the build quality and shows Microsoft's inexperience in building hardware.
We must also remember it is still early days yet and as prices come down and more AAA games appear on the Playstation things could well even out.

Gnizmo said:

The fact that it is doing better is absolutely significant. The idea that only one console can be a winner is one propagated by the fanboys of the winning system and bought into by many otherwise reasonable people. The PS3 is gaining ground on the 360, and showing increased sales. This means a third-party developer can reasonably increase the estimations of what a game will sell on the PS3. In the end you don't have to be the best to be extremely profitable (hai2u Xbox compared to Gamecube).

And I will be laughing my ass off when it outsells the Wii lifetime sales.

Never going to happen. Until the PS3 can consistently outsell the Wii on a WW basis the thought of it beating the Wii's lifetime sales is just a silly fanboy notion. Blind fanboyism of this level only detracts from the conversation. No one wants to be the Avinashi of the PS3.

Well, it depends on what you consider winning though. I would expcet the PS3 and 360 to each reach 40 million at least, which is a lot better than any two "losing" consoles have ever done. And at 40 million, they'll be able to sell a good amount of software, so they should get good games. But you could also consider the fact that the industry is growing, thus giving them more room to sell. If the Wii reaches 120 million it'll get a majority of the games.

I would hardly the GC a loser, at least in the sense it was profitable for Nintendo. But it didn't get a lot of games, and that's bound to happen for the HD consoles as the Wii userbase grows beyond 50% marketshare, and with more users than the others combined, cheaper development costs, it's just bound to be the winner when it comes to games. But that doesn't mean the PS3/360 are "losers," it just means they aren't on the same level, so to speak.

I wasn't completely talking about winners and losers, I was just saying, until we know where the Wii sales will level off at, it's hard to know if the PS3 has or has not made any real strides to beating the Wii in sales. And we wont know that until supply is figured out, which, with Brawl, Mario Kart, and WiiFit being released in NA/Others in the next few months, it might not happen anytime soon. 

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TKC-Muzzer said:
I think in Europe people are more bothered about the quality of the product when parting with their money, hence why the 360 does not sell as well, the failure rate does not sit well but for some reasons that does not bother the American consumer. I have suffered the 360 fate and even though it has great games i am very unimpressed with the build quality and shows Microsoft's inexperience in building hardware.
We must also remember it is still early days yet and as prices come down and more AAA games appear on the Playstation things could well even out.

 Also, it took4-6 weeks to get your 360 repaired, how long will it take an European customer to get his console back? Same goes for Japan? That's why they would rather stick with something more reliable.

Sony still has its brand-power there.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)
TKC-Muzzer said:
I think in Europe people are more bothered about the quality of the product when parting with their money, hence why the 360 does not sell as well, the failure rate does not sit well but for some reasons that does not bother the American consumer. I have suffered the 360 fate and even though it has great games i am very unimpressed with the build quality and shows Microsoft's inexperience in building hardware.
We must also remember it is still early days yet and as prices come down and more AAA games appear on the Playstation things could well even out.

Please, people don't talk out of your asses. Europe more picky when it comes to quality? Never. We're impulse purchasers. Sony is doing well over here mainly because of brand loyalty ( Playstation brand, not Sony ).

I agree, build quality is important, well to Sony anyway.

To the wii fans out there, it is as simple as this, if the PS3 was the same price (in europe especially) as the Wii it would easily compete with sales and probably outstrip them as you would be getting more for your money. Remember there is only so many ways you can wave your hands and so many perephirels you can store under your TV. Nintendo more addons than anyone = more money  

routsounmanman said:
TKC-Muzzer said:
I think in Europe people are more bothered about the quality of the product when parting with their money, hence why the 360 does not sell as well, the failure rate does not sit well but for some reasons that does not bother the American consumer. I have suffered the 360 fate and even though it has great games i am very unimpressed with the build quality and shows Microsoft's inexperience in building hardware.
We must also remember it is still early days yet and as prices come down and more AAA games appear on the Playstation things could well even out.

Please, people don't talk out of your asses. Europe more picky when it comes to quality? Never. We're impulse purchasers. Sony is doing well over here mainly because of brand loyalty ( Playstation brand, not Sony ).

 Please don't speak out of your ass and put a lable on us. You may be an impulse buyer but i work hard to buy my stuff and do my research.  Who nominated you as the voice of Europe, thats right NO ONE.

Gnizmo said:
Smidlee said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Everyone likes to ignore how Wii is trouncing everything (except DS of course)

Who is ignore this? Who doesn't know by now that wii is selling as fast as they are coming in?

If memory serves DMeisterj, Coolestguyever, and one other guy I can't recall ignored its success in this very thread. Claiming the PS3 is winning right now is discounting the success of the Wii.

They assumed that it was understood you realize they were talking about the match between 360 and PS3, just because every single post doesn't lick Wii's nut sack doesn't mean they're ignoring it's amazing sales, it simply means that they have decided to focus on the battle between two other competitors while assuming that the Wii is winning overall. 

