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Stever89 said:
Bodhesatva said:
darthdevidem01 said:

I have been saying that since the last page

looks MINe & YOUR comments have been conviniently ignored!

Seems like it :/

Well, the problem is that the Wii's supply has been so crazy we can't know where it'll level off. It levels off at 200k, which seems almost possible, that's a 100% increase over last years regular 100k or so. Until the supply is fixed, or more regular, we can't say the PS3 is gaining on the Wii, because it might still be outsold by 100k or more per week. yes the PS3 has made great strides, but in the scheme of things, until it can constantely outsell the Wii, in any region, and WW, it's just a moot point that it's doing better.

The fact that it is doing better is absolutely significant. The idea that only one console can be a winner is propagated by fanboys of the winning system and bought into by many otherwise reasonable people. The PS3 is gaining ground on the 360, and showing increased sales. This means a third-party developer can reasonably increase the estimations of what a game will sell on the PS3. In the end you don't have to be the best to be extremely profitable (hai2u Xbox compared to Gamecube).

And I will be laughing my ass off when it outsells the Wii lifetime sales.

Never going to happen. Until the PS3 can consistently outsell the Wii on a WW basis the thought of it beating the Wii's lifetime sales is just a silly fanboy notion. Blind fanboyism of this level only detracts from the conversation. No one wants to be the Avinashi of the PS3.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229