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Gnizmo said:

The fact that it is doing better is absolutely significant. The idea that only one console can be a winner is one propagated by the fanboys of the winning system and bought into by many otherwise reasonable people. The PS3 is gaining ground on the 360, and showing increased sales. This means a third-party developer can reasonably increase the estimations of what a game will sell on the PS3. In the end you don't have to be the best to be extremely profitable (hai2u Xbox compared to Gamecube).

And I will be laughing my ass off when it outsells the Wii lifetime sales.

Never going to happen. Until the PS3 can consistently outsell the Wii on a WW basis the thought of it beating the Wii's lifetime sales is just a silly fanboy notion. Blind fanboyism of this level only detracts from the conversation. No one wants to be the Avinashi of the PS3.

Well, it depends on what you consider winning though. I would expcet the PS3 and 360 to each reach 40 million at least, which is a lot better than any two "losing" consoles have ever done. And at 40 million, they'll be able to sell a good amount of software, so they should get good games. But you could also consider the fact that the industry is growing, thus giving them more room to sell. If the Wii reaches 120 million it'll get a majority of the games.

I would hardly the GC a loser, at least in the sense it was profitable for Nintendo. But it didn't get a lot of games, and that's bound to happen for the HD consoles as the Wii userbase grows beyond 50% marketshare, and with more users than the others combined, cheaper development costs, it's just bound to be the winner when it comes to games. But that doesn't mean the PS3/360 are "losers," it just means they aren't on the same level, so to speak.

I wasn't completely talking about winners and losers, I was just saying, until we know where the Wii sales will level off at, it's hard to know if the PS3 has or has not made any real strides to beating the Wii in sales. And we wont know that until supply is figured out, which, with Brawl, Mario Kart, and WiiFit being released in NA/Others in the next few months, it might not happen anytime soon.