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Gnizmo said:
Smidlee said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Everyone likes to ignore how Wii is trouncing everything (except DS of course)

Who is ignore this? Who doesn't know by now that wii is selling as fast as they are coming in?

If memory serves DMeisterj, Coolestguyever, and one other guy I can't recall ignored its success in this very thread. Claiming the PS3 is winning right now is discounting the success of the Wii.

They assumed that it was understood you realize they were talking about the match between 360 and PS3, just because every single post doesn't lick Wii's nut sack doesn't mean they're ignoring it's amazing sales, it simply means that they have decided to focus on the battle between two other competitors while assuming that the Wii is winning overall. 

