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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How do you guys play so much?

This past term probably an average of 3 hours a week, it should change as I'm getting better hours.

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My job gives me a lot of free time. I'm teaching English in china.

So today I'm waiting around at home until 3:30 then I teach two lessons for about an hour each and then finish. My video game consumption has shot up since doing this job because I have the time to fill.

Should say not all english teachers in china have jobs as easy as mine. I got lucky with the place I went to. Some teachers are worked very hard every day and in some cases, like one unlucky guy I know (who's really beng exploted), they're paid less for far more work.

I am not playing a lot for now maybe i am getting old, to much responsibilities, and kind of boring to play games.

lot of people that post that they are getting all these games are fake they either never get them or get them and never play em as stated in here

i have been playing video games since i can remember mid 80s starting with the atarti nes ect. i used to game a shit ton though from 1998-2011 the most i can think of is last gen 2005-2011 once the online competitive game came to the seen on consoles you couldnt take me off the screen from UC2 MP and COD were addicting

also shit like trophies wouldnt help im kinda ocd so i wanted to get the most i could for each game before starting the next that would envole alot of bullshit time consuming collectible and online trophys i never would play like that before achievments so i was spending more time gaming last gen

as i got older alot less games would appeal to me the whole competitve online wow factor wore off and the end of last gen and begining of the new one brought a SW drought for me like they usually do every new gen

i dont think that i myself is what caused me to game less i think its the games and devs themselves theres alot of games that i love that are all ps2 gen and last gen that there formula hasnt be reproduced

also what ive noticed is with the online gaming the devs over complicated things as the gen went on, i liked the earlier CODs UC2 MPs the most the later editions and other copycat games just didnt have the same basic formula that made those online components so good, those game excelled in even stuff like basic map design

i do game less now about 1-3hrs a day and a few more on weekends depending on season i would say my time is half of what it was during my peak yrs i wouldnt mind going back to that but im gonna need better SW that appeals to me


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*Sound Of Rain said:

I saw the thread about what games people want in 2015 and...dang! You guys are going to play a ton of games next year even if you don't get them all. 

I have a lot of free time but I don't play games all that often. I just don't feel like it a lot of the time. I play maybe 3 hours a week. (1 hour is mobile)

So, how do you guys play games so much?

I'm retired. I don't have to work and don't work. Not rich either. Fixed income but plan things out. So while I do things to keep busy I also can decide when I want to stay home and relax.

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I play A LOT of games but I don't spend spend much time with them. I basically just like to play through the campaign and move to the next.

When I had more free time I was often finishing a game a week (more if its a long game). On average the games I play around are around 6 - 12 hours, or even less if its a small indie or digital release. I probably completed 30 - 40 games this year.

There are still a lot of Xbox 360 games I want to play through. So delays don't bother me because I got plenty to play already.

Recently Completed
River City: Rival Showdown
for 3DS (3/5) - River City: Tokyo Rumble for 3DS (4/5) - Zelda: BotW for Wii U (5/5) - Zelda: BotW for Switch (5/5) - Zelda: Link's Awakening for Switch (4/5) - Rage 2 for X1X (4/5) - Rage for 360 (3/5) - Streets of Rage 4 for X1/PC (4/5) - Gears 5 for X1X (5/5) - Mortal Kombat 11 for X1X (5/5) - Doom 64 for N64 (emulator) (3/5) - Crackdown 3 for X1S/X1X (4/5) - Infinity Blade III - for iPad 4 (3/5) - Infinity Blade II - for iPad 4 (4/5) - Infinity Blade - for iPad 4 (4/5) - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood for X1 (3/5) - Assassin's Creed: Origins for X1 (3/5) - Uncharted: Lost Legacy for PS4 (4/5) - EA UFC 3 for X1 (4/5) - Doom for X1 (4/5) - Titanfall 2 for X1 (4/5) - Super Mario 3D World for Wii U (4/5) - South Park: The Stick of Truth for X1 BC (4/5) - Call of Duty: WWII for X1 (4/5) -Wolfenstein II for X1 - (4/5) - Dead or Alive: Dimensions for 3DS (4/5) - Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite for X1 (3/5) - Halo Wars 2 for X1/PC (4/5) - Halo Wars: DE for X1 (4/5) - Tekken 7 for X1 (4/5) - Injustice 2 for X1 (4/5) - Yakuza 5 for PS3 (3/5) - Battlefield 1 (Campaign) for X1 (3/5) - Assassin's Creed: Syndicate for X1 (4/5) - Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare for X1 (4/5) - Call of Duty: MW Remastered for X1 (4/5) - Donkey Kong Country Returns for 3DS (4/5) - Forza Horizon 3 for X1 (5/5)

I usually play about 3 hours a day so M-F I get about 15 hours and more on the weekends if I don't have any plans. I don't watch TV so I do game a lot plus if I want something to watch I have an extensive blu-ray/DVD collection and I can find places online to watch movies so I am all set there,also it depends on the time of year as well. I live in the New England area and I really get into gaming around late september through mid may but when it starts to get warm up here is when I start to lose some of my gaming interest. I like to do things outdoors at this time of year because our spring/summer is real short (I love to do a lot of hiking). I still game some in the summer but not as much as in the fall/winter.

I try to play average 1 hour a day, so I get through lots of games but my backlog is pretty massive also.

I like to play a lot of games but not spend too much time on each one.

My 8th gen collection

im lazy and i have a shitty job where i can play videogames all night long and drink beer.
only downside is that i cant use steam(but my steam is broken anyway, everytime i use inhousestreaming it logs my out of chat and stop counts time and progress)

I hardly ever go to bed before 3am, 11pm to 2am is game time, sometimes from 10pm or until 4am.