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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How do you guys play so much?

It's all about time managment.

I'm still a student, so yay for exams, and I have a part time job, but I still play when I have the opportunty.

Currently, I'd say I'm playing about 10-15 hours a week, depending on my schedule.

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.

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KingdomHeartsFan said:

Cut off all contact with the outside world.


I buy a lot of games, but i dont finish half of them. Im spending more time researching games than actually playing them. I just get hyped up a lot i suppose, but because i dont have time to come back to another round before the next temptation is out. #firstworldproblems

I could not imagine only playing 3 hours a week, I play about 5 hours every day :/

When it is our main hobby we take time to do it. I have some friends where their main hobby isn't gaming at all, it's climbing. The go climbing, talk climbing and on their time off go/think climbing some more.

I mean I talk about comics, moan about them endlessly but only buy 3 a month and rarely read them, so discussing games is as big as playing them round here too. This said, even I shoudn't play as much as I do... I have no life. :P

Hmm, pie.

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I would rather play games than watch most TV. The time is there, just depends on everything you do with you spare time.

1-3 hours a day with a full time job and a family, with time still to go to the gym. More on weekends.

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

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I don't play much at all. Sometimes less than an hour a week. I'm thinking of significantly lowering my time on the forum so that I can play more games.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:
I don't play much at all. Sometimes less than an hour a week. I'm thinking of significantly lowering my time on the forum so that I can play more games.

I will miss you but I think that'd be smart.

I gotta ask since so many people have stated that they simply can't find time in their day. How many of you end up wasting valuable time everyday trying to figure out exactly what you wanna do/play? :P I seem to do that a lot, I'll sit around for a good 30-40 minutes listening to music and staring at my gaming shelf to decide what I wanna play xD

I probably play about 10 hours per month, if that these days.