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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Watch Dogs shifts almost no copies on its Wii U launch in UK

padib said:
deskpro2k3 said:
i think everyone can agree that if its not mario and friends, nobody will buy it.

Mmm, define "friends".

Basically there's three categories of Wii U software: 

1.) Decent to Good Sales: 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Brothers (Mario Fighting), Mario Kart are the main things that will sell on the Wii U, with some room left over for Zelda. Future home of: Mario Party 10, Mario Maker, Legend of Zelda U. 

2.) Poor/Low Sales: Donkey Kong Country, Pikmin 3, Wii Fit, Sonic Colors, Rayman didn't sell great. Wii Party U got saved by being bundled in Japan for a while. Future home to: Yarn Yoshi, Captain Toad, Splatoon, Xenoblade. 

3. ) Bomba Sales: Bayonetta, Call of Duty, Batman, Fatal Frame, Wonderful 101, Assassin's Creed, Need For Speed, Wii Sports Club, etc. are full-on bombs. Future home to: Devil's Third, Project: Cars (if that actually even comes out). 

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"Nobody expected Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs to do well, but 14th is even lower than anyone would have thought."

Pretty sure this isn't true. I was even surprised when there was a Gaf thread for people asking info about it, and people in the thread actually interested in it, and not the usual troll responses like from that ninjablade guy or something.

Project CARS will fail just as hard on the wii u. It too is not releasing at the same time as the other versions.

Well, looks like no rest for the weary. Wii U's struggles will continue.

Soundwave said:
padib said:
deskpro2k3 said:
i think everyone can agree that if its not mario and friends, nobody will buy it.

Mmm, define "friends".

Basically there's three categories of Wii U software: 

1.) Decent to Good Sales: 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Brothers (Mario Fighting), Mario Kart are the main things that will sell on the Wii U, with some room left over for Zelda. Future home of: Mario Party 10, Mario Maker, Legend of Zelda U. 

2.) Poor/Low Sales: Donkey Kong Country, Pikmin 3, Wii Fit, Sonic Colors, Rayman didn't sell great. Wii Party U got saved by being bundled in Japan for a while. Future home to: Yarn Yoshi, Captain Toad, Splatoon, Xenoblade. 

3. ) Bomba Sales: Bayonetta, Call of Duty, Batman, Fatal Frame, Wonderful 101, Assassin's Creed, Need For Speed, Wii Sports Club, etc. are full-on bombs. Future home to: Devil's Third, Project: Cars (if that actually even comes out). 

This prediction deserves to be bolded and its own thread (unless it gets a bundle).

padib said:
Soundwave said:

Basically there's three categories of Wii U software: 

1.) Decent to Good Sales: 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Brothers (Mario Fighting), Mario Kart are the main things that will sell on the Wii U, with some room left over for Zelda. Future home of: Mario Party 10, Mario Maker, Legend of Zelda U. 

2.) Poor Sales: DKC, Pikmin, Wii Fit, Rayman didn't sell great. Wii Party U got saved by being bundled in Japan for a while. Future home to: Yarn Yoshi, Captain Toad, Splatoon, Xenoblade. 

3. ) Bomba Sales: Bayonetta, Call of Duty, Batman, Fatal Frame, Wonderful 101, Assassin's Creed, Need For Speed, Wii Sports Club, etc. are full-on bombs. Future home to: Devil's Third, Project: Cars (if that actually even comes out). 

Games that are not doing well on the U had done well on the Wii. Examples are Wii Fit, DKC, Rayman and Wii Party which are grouped under 2.

Why would you agree with desktop pro that this is a certified, scealed trend for WiiU when the console is two years in. It is very possible that a high-selling 3rd party game that is not Mario and "Friends" sells well on the U. A great example is ZombiU. Sure the game failed to profit but the sales were still very high. So a game with a cheaper budget but just as compelling would have potential on the U.

Do you see then how his assumption was wrong?

Lastly Nintendo will release a brand new IP in 2015, which is Splatoon. It is not a Mario and "Friends" game but a brand new IP. Do you expect it to sell poorly? I don't think that would be a safe assumption. A subjective prediction fine, but not a valid assumption like DesktopPro offered.

It's a safe prediction. IMO Splatoon won't sell anything great. 

The online community, even the online Nintendo community, is not the general Wii U buying base, if it was Bayonetta 2 would be a 1-2 million seller. 

I think Zombi U also is monstrously overtracked by VGChartz. If it sold anywhere near what they claim, Ubi Soft would've made a sequel IMO. Kinda sad seeing it at the store the other day, they've now marked it down from even $19.99 to $14.99, lol. They should just give them away for free to anyone who buys a Wii U. 

Around the Network

EA and Ubisoft are real pricks to deal with and are full of hypocrisy but you can't deny that having them support your system is good for sales. I am a dedicated Wii U fan and although I personally wouldn't buy too many of their games the Wii U would have a greater install base if those 2 companies supported it. When I say support I mean REAL support not crappy ports from 360 games.
The Wii U looks like ending this year on about 9 million consoles sold, whether that is enough to entice 3rd party support remains to be seen but if they continue to get almost no new 3rd party devs on board 2015 could make for a pretty grim year with Nintendo. When you consider that if Nintendo follow their usual strategy of 6 years approx. between consoles it could be 2018 before a new home console is around and not even the amazing games they produce themselves will save them if 4-5 AAA games a year are released on the system.

DonFerrari said:
Nintendo fans say DLC is a shit pratice them complain about lack of DLC, check.

TLOUR is a year late port of a game on the same platform holder and sold 2M, check.

GTA V is a more than 12m old port that anyone in last gen and for a doubledip isn't much different than last gen and computer will get a better version, check. Same for tomb raider. All of them full priced, check.

Bayoneta 2 is considered a sucess on WiiU by selling less than 500k, check.

AC and Destiny sells on the 5-10M window. WD as well, check.

If game launched along other versions it would still be inferior and people would still buy in other systems if they had them. 6m later don't change that only exclusive WiiU owners would buy it on WiiU, so what is the Point of all this Ubisoft is at fault when we know it would sell the same anyway?

About the 3rd parties should cater to Nintendo fans to sell well (350k it seems) on WiiU and lose 5M on other platforms, does it even makes sense?

"TLOUR is a year late port of a game on the same platform holder and sold 2M, check."

TLOUR is a highly acclaimed Playstation exclusive that won multiple awards remastered for Sony's new console which is selling the best out of all other consoles.

GTAV is one of the best selling games of last gen, winning multiple awards, one of the most hyped, and being one of the industry's most celebrated franchsies being remastered for new gen consoles with various graphical enhancements once again sells well.

"Bayoneta 2 is considered a sucess on WiiU by selling less than 500k, check."

I've never seen anyone say this, some quotes please?  It would also depend on the budget and how much Nintendo needs to sell to become successful.  Besides I think Bayo 2 was simply to bolster their lineup and nothing more.  Nintendo has a history of funding these types of games which are usually not successful, but diversify their games lineup.

AC and Destiny sells on the 5-10M window. WD as well, check."

Assassin's Creed is one of the biggest franchises of last gen, and Destiny and Watch Dogs are two of the most hyped and marketed franchises of this gen.

If game launched along other versions it would still be inferior and people would still buy in other systems if they had them. "

Be inferior how exactly?  It'd be inferior to current gen versions in graphics surely, but they could have made an effort on the gamepad features like they promised, and be superior in some ways, gameplay wise.

when we know it would sell the same anyway?"

I'd like to see all the people who can guess hypothetical situations with 100% accuracy.  Maybe they have the ability to travel to these alternate worlds.  I could make use of that.

No, we don't know how badly it would sell on Wii U, and it would sell badly.  But I'm pretty sure it would not have sold as badly as it is now.  Releasing a version of a game that came out on every platform 6 months prior, full price, 
looks about on par with last gen versions. with no additional features, minus some lazy gamepad integration with no marketing, I would assume, would have an effect on sales.

Edited because it is coming off a bit too snarky.

tripenfall said:
EA and Ubisoft are real pricks to deal with and are full of hypocrisy but you can't deny that having them support your system is good for sales. I am a dedicated Wii U fan and although I personally wouldn't buy too many of their games the Wii U would have a greater install base if those 2 companies supported it. When I say support I mean REAL support not crappy ports from 360 games.
The Wii U looks like ending this year on about 9 million consoles sold, whether that is enough to entice 3rd party support remains to be seen but if they continue to get almost no new 3rd party devs on board 2015 could make for a pretty grim year with Nintendo. When you consider that if Nintendo follow their usual strategy of 6 years approx. between consoles it could be 2018 before a new home console is around and not even the amazing games they produce themselves will save them if 4-5 AAA games a year are released on the system.

Does the writing on the wall have to be spelled out in even bigger letters? Third parties are done with Wii U unless it's LEGO/shovel kidsware junk. 

padib said:
Soundwave said:

It's a safe prediction. IMO Splatoon won't sell anything great. 

The online community, even the online Nintendo community, is not the general Wii U buying base, if it was Bayonetta 2 would be a 1-2 million seller. 

I think Zombi U also is monstrously overtracked by VGChartz. If it sold anywhere near what they claim, Ubi Soft would've made a sequel IMO. Kinda sad seeing it at the store the other day, they've now marked it down from even $19.99 to $14.99, lol. They should just give them away for free to anyone who buys a Wii U. 

Even if it were overtracked, which is possible, it sold very well. It's not like what Watch Dogs did at all. Non-Mario games can sell on the U. They just need to be tailored to the console. 

Honesly that really is IMO about Splatoon. Many games offer online, it doesn't make them representative of what another online game might sell. Otherwise I could say that Torchlight would lead me to believe that the sequel to Diablo III will sell weakly as compared to the franchise's selling power.

Wii U hasn't proven it can sell anything outside of Mario/Zelda worth a damn, so until it does, I don't give it the benefit of the doubt. 

DKC and Bayonetta and Pikmin are all great games too, so to me it indicates something is very wrong with that audience base. 

Nintendo basically has lost all audience diversity on their console base by losing those people to Playstation/XBox. The only people left en masse are the Mario fanatics who like a little Zelda on the side. 

padib said:
Soundwave said:
tripenfall said:
EA and Ubisoft are real pricks to deal with and are full of hypocrisy but you can't deny that having them support your system is good for sales. I am a dedicated Wii U fan and although I personally wouldn't buy too many of their games the Wii U would have a greater install base if those 2 companies supported it. When I say support I mean REAL support not crappy ports from 360 games.
The Wii U looks like ending this year on about 9 million consoles sold, whether that is enough to entice 3rd party support remains to be seen but if they continue to get almost no new 3rd party devs on board 2015 could make for a pretty grim year with Nintendo. When you consider that if Nintendo follow their usual strategy of 6 years approx. between consoles it could be 2018 before a new home console is around and not even the amazing games they produce themselves will save them if 4-5 AAA games a year are released on the system.

Does the writing on the wall have to be spelled out in even bigger letters? Third parties are done with Wii U unless it's LEGO/shovel kidsware junk. 

And it's their loss. Because they are incompetent to sell to the Nintendo fanbase in general. And they are missing opportunity in the meantime. Indies are doing great though.

And again, ZombiU. It's not Shovel and it's not kidsware. Also where do you get those demeaning words from?? By the way the LEGO series (shovel kidsware I guess in your opinion) sells loads on the PS and XB consoles.

I get it that the online Nintendo community makes a stink about this and feels slighted, but the cold, hard reality is you're simply not that big of an audience. 

The people who buy Nintendo consoles who want to also play games like Watch Dogs, Call of Duty, and other violent/action based core IP are a very, very, very small minority. 

If you were running EA or Ubi Soft as a business with your own money on the line, you wouldn't support the Wii U either. It's nothing personal, this is a business, plain and simple. 

Nintendo lost all the people that would buy these types of games probably years ago to Sony/MS, it just kind of got glossed over because soccer moms were buying Wii Sports/Fit like crazy for a couple of years before they discovered the almighty smartphone. 

Nintendo as a brand just is a full-on non-factor for these types of games. The last time Nintendo was relevant to college age/adult male gamers in a big way was with GoldenEye like 16 years ago (!). A lot of the kids who play Call of Duty today weren't even born yet, lol. Nintendo is completely removed from having a prayer in selling these types of games.