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padib said:
Soundwave said:
tripenfall said:
EA and Ubisoft are real pricks to deal with and are full of hypocrisy but you can't deny that having them support your system is good for sales. I am a dedicated Wii U fan and although I personally wouldn't buy too many of their games the Wii U would have a greater install base if those 2 companies supported it. When I say support I mean REAL support not crappy ports from 360 games.
The Wii U looks like ending this year on about 9 million consoles sold, whether that is enough to entice 3rd party support remains to be seen but if they continue to get almost no new 3rd party devs on board 2015 could make for a pretty grim year with Nintendo. When you consider that if Nintendo follow their usual strategy of 6 years approx. between consoles it could be 2018 before a new home console is around and not even the amazing games they produce themselves will save them if 4-5 AAA games a year are released on the system.

Does the writing on the wall have to be spelled out in even bigger letters? Third parties are done with Wii U unless it's LEGO/shovel kidsware junk. 

And it's their loss. Because they are incompetent to sell to the Nintendo fanbase in general. And they are missing opportunity in the meantime. Indies are doing great though.

And again, ZombiU. It's not Shovel and it's not kidsware. Also where do you get those demeaning words from?? By the way the LEGO series (shovel kidsware I guess in your opinion) sells loads on the PS and XB consoles.

I get it that the online Nintendo community makes a stink about this and feels slighted, but the cold, hard reality is you're simply not that big of an audience. 

The people who buy Nintendo consoles who want to also play games like Watch Dogs, Call of Duty, and other violent/action based core IP are a very, very, very small minority. 

If you were running EA or Ubi Soft as a business with your own money on the line, you wouldn't support the Wii U either. It's nothing personal, this is a business, plain and simple. 

Nintendo lost all the people that would buy these types of games probably years ago to Sony/MS, it just kind of got glossed over because soccer moms were buying Wii Sports/Fit like crazy for a couple of years before they discovered the almighty smartphone. 

Nintendo as a brand just is a full-on non-factor for these types of games. The last time Nintendo was relevant to college age/adult male gamers in a big way was with GoldenEye like 16 years ago (!). A lot of the kids who play Call of Duty today weren't even born yet, lol. Nintendo is completely removed from having a prayer in selling these types of games.