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DonFerrari said:
Nintendo fans say DLC is a shit pratice them complain about lack of DLC, check.

TLOUR is a year late port of a game on the same platform holder and sold 2M, check.

GTA V is a more than 12m old port that anyone in last gen and for a doubledip isn't much different than last gen and computer will get a better version, check. Same for tomb raider. All of them full priced, check.

Bayoneta 2 is considered a sucess on WiiU by selling less than 500k, check.

AC and Destiny sells on the 5-10M window. WD as well, check.

If game launched along other versions it would still be inferior and people would still buy in other systems if they had them. 6m later don't change that only exclusive WiiU owners would buy it on WiiU, so what is the Point of all this Ubisoft is at fault when we know it would sell the same anyway?

About the 3rd parties should cater to Nintendo fans to sell well (350k it seems) on WiiU and lose 5M on other platforms, does it even makes sense?

"TLOUR is a year late port of a game on the same platform holder and sold 2M, check."

TLOUR is a highly acclaimed Playstation exclusive that won multiple awards remastered for Sony's new console which is selling the best out of all other consoles.

GTAV is one of the best selling games of last gen, winning multiple awards, one of the most hyped, and being one of the industry's most celebrated franchsies being remastered for new gen consoles with various graphical enhancements once again sells well.

"Bayoneta 2 is considered a sucess on WiiU by selling less than 500k, check."

I've never seen anyone say this, some quotes please?  It would also depend on the budget and how much Nintendo needs to sell to become successful.  Besides I think Bayo 2 was simply to bolster their lineup and nothing more.  Nintendo has a history of funding these types of games which are usually not successful, but diversify their games lineup.

AC and Destiny sells on the 5-10M window. WD as well, check."

Assassin's Creed is one of the biggest franchises of last gen, and Destiny and Watch Dogs are two of the most hyped and marketed franchises of this gen.

If game launched along other versions it would still be inferior and people would still buy in other systems if they had them. "

Be inferior how exactly?  It'd be inferior to current gen versions in graphics surely, but they could have made an effort on the gamepad features like they promised, and be superior in some ways, gameplay wise.

when we know it would sell the same anyway?"

I'd like to see all the people who can guess hypothetical situations with 100% accuracy.  Maybe they have the ability to travel to these alternate worlds.  I could make use of that.

No, we don't know how badly it would sell on Wii U, and it would sell badly.  But I'm pretty sure it would not have sold as badly as it is now.  Releasing a version of a game that came out on every platform 6 months prior, full price, 
looks about on par with last gen versions. with no additional features, minus some lazy gamepad integration with no marketing, I would assume, would have an effect on sales.

Edited because it is coming off a bit too snarky.