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padib said:
Soundwave said:

It's a safe prediction. IMO Splatoon won't sell anything great. 

The online community, even the online Nintendo community, is not the general Wii U buying base, if it was Bayonetta 2 would be a 1-2 million seller. 

I think Zombi U also is monstrously overtracked by VGChartz. If it sold anywhere near what they claim, Ubi Soft would've made a sequel IMO. Kinda sad seeing it at the store the other day, they've now marked it down from even $19.99 to $14.99, lol. They should just give them away for free to anyone who buys a Wii U. 

Even if it were overtracked, which is possible, it sold very well. It's not like what Watch Dogs did at all. Non-Mario games can sell on the U. They just need to be tailored to the console. 

Honesly that really is IMO about Splatoon. Many games offer online, it doesn't make them representative of what another online game might sell. Otherwise I could say that Torchlight would lead me to believe that the sequel to Diablo III will sell weakly as compared to the franchise's selling power.

Wii U hasn't proven it can sell anything outside of Mario/Zelda worth a damn, so until it does, I don't give it the benefit of the doubt. 

DKC and Bayonetta and Pikmin are all great games too, so to me it indicates something is very wrong with that audience base. 

Nintendo basically has lost all audience diversity on their console base by losing those people to Playstation/XBox. The only people left en masse are the Mario fanatics who like a little Zelda on the side.