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padib said:
Soundwave said:

Basically there's three categories of Wii U software: 

1.) Decent to Good Sales: 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Brothers (Mario Fighting), Mario Kart are the main things that will sell on the Wii U, with some room left over for Zelda. Future home of: Mario Party 10, Mario Maker, Legend of Zelda U. 

2.) Poor Sales: DKC, Pikmin, Wii Fit, Rayman didn't sell great. Wii Party U got saved by being bundled in Japan for a while. Future home to: Yarn Yoshi, Captain Toad, Splatoon, Xenoblade. 

3. ) Bomba Sales: Bayonetta, Call of Duty, Batman, Fatal Frame, Wonderful 101, Assassin's Creed, Need For Speed, Wii Sports Club, etc. are full-on bombs. Future home to: Devil's Third, Project: Cars (if that actually even comes out). 

Games that are not doing well on the U had done well on the Wii. Examples are Wii Fit, DKC, Rayman and Wii Party which are grouped under 2.

Why would you agree with desktop pro that this is a certified, scealed trend for WiiU when the console is two years in. It is very possible that a high-selling 3rd party game that is not Mario and "Friends" sells well on the U. A great example is ZombiU. Sure the game failed to profit but the sales were still very high. So a game with a cheaper budget but just as compelling would have potential on the U.

Do you see then how his assumption was wrong?

Lastly Nintendo will release a brand new IP in 2015, which is Splatoon. It is not a Mario and "Friends" game but a brand new IP. Do you expect it to sell poorly? I don't think that would be a safe assumption. A subjective prediction fine, but not a valid assumption like DesktopPro offered.

It's a safe prediction. IMO Splatoon won't sell anything great. 

The online community, even the online Nintendo community, is not the general Wii U buying base, if it was Bayonetta 2 would be a 1-2 million seller. 

I think Zombi U also is monstrously overtracked by VGChartz. If it sold anywhere near what they claim, Ubi Soft would've made a sequel IMO. Kinda sad seeing it at the store the other day, they've now marked it down from even $19.99 to $14.99, lol. They should just give them away for free to anyone who buys a Wii U.