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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Watch Dogs shifts almost no copies on its Wii U launch in UK

the_dengle said:

Actually I have been trained for ten years not to look for third party at all.

Then you missed some fantastic unique titles on the Wii. 

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Conegamer said:
Doesn't really deserve any sales the way Ubi has treated the game. Must have been quite hellish having to finish it knowing this was gonna happen

So you would have them launch it day and date with the other versions (affecting their release and potential quality) .... why exactly??? Ubisoft are a business they're not in this to be all nicey nice. They made the right business decisions regarding the WiiU version and quite frankly they're saints for not canning it given like you say, sales were bound to end up like this.

At the end of the day Ubisoft have delivered a competant game when they didn't need too and Nintendo fans are shunning it? Perhaps Ubisoft will fight fire with fire and just abandon it completely save for Just Dance.


Conegamer said:
Doesn't really deserve any sales the way Ubi has treated the game. Must have been quite hellish having to finish it knowing this was gonna happen

Wouldn't be surprised if Ubi put their secondary staff on this project. Or some newbies... 

It's great that they have finished it and it looks somehow good keeping in mind that this is a Wii U and not a PS4 or XOne. But anyway still better then 360 or PS3...

No surprise here whatsoever, the game was set up to fail, whether intentionally or simply through incompetence will continue to be debated.

I agree with Conegamer though, I feel sorry for the developers, what a crap six months it must have been.

Seece said:

So you would have them launch it day and date with the other versions (affecting their release and potential quality) .... why exactly??? Ubisoft are a business they're not in this to be all nicey nice. They made the right business decisions regarding the WiiU version and quite frankly they're saints for not canning it given like you say, sales were bound to end up like this.

At the end of the day Ubisoft have delivered a competant game when they didn't need too and Nintendo fans are shunning it? Perhaps Ubisoft will fight fire with fire and just abandon it completely save for Just Dance.

This is words of wisdom here, people ...

*big thumbs up*

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Nintendo fans say DLC is a shit pratice them complain about lack of DLC, check.

TLOUR is a year late port of a game on the same platform holder and sold 2M, check.

GTA V is a more than 12m old port that anyone in last gen and for a doubledip isn't much different than last gen and computer will get a better version, check. Same for tomb raider. All of them full priced, check.

Bayoneta 2 is considered a sucess on WiiU by selling less than 500k, check.

AC and Destiny sells on the 5-10M window. WD as well, check.

If game launched along other versions it would still be inferior and people would still buy in other systems if they had them. 6m later don't change that only exclusive WiiU owners would buy it on WiiU, so what is the Point of all this Ubisoft is at fault when we know it would sell the same anyway?

About the 3rd parties should cater to Nintendo fans to sell well (350k it seems) on WiiU and lose 5M on other platforms, does it even makes sense?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

In any case, Mr Guilemot has been vindicated. Watch dogs proves beyond doubt that Nintendo gamers don't buy mature games. They are only interested in casualised Just Dance and Mario games.

Ubisoft has now achieved political correctness in dropping support for the wii u.

mine said:

Then you missed some fantastic unique titles on the Wii.

I certainly did, but I plan on picking them up eventually. The gist of it is that I don't look for third-party games, they find me in the end. My friends introduced me to Monster Hunter, Ace Attorney, Dark Souls, and more series that I've come to love. They have replaced the old third-party games that I used to enjoy which have now either been abandoned or become shit, or both in the opposite order.

This is a relatively recent development, so a few Wii gems flew under my radar, including a couple of first-party games. They're on my to-do list.


Seece said:

They made the right business decisions regarding the WiiU version and quite frankly they're saints for not canning it given like you say, sales were bound to end up like this.

I don't follow. Make up your mind, did they make the right business decision or was releasing the game at all an act of charity?

Shit, I'm veeeery shocked!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

£10 by Xmas for sure...

I think Ubisoft should take all copies back, keep it sealed, bury it in the desert for 25 years. and then sell the now rare game for £10,000 a copy on ebay. ... they will make a massive profit on the game. we will not have to endure and play this rubbish - it is a win win situation!
