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mine said:

Then you missed some fantastic unique titles on the Wii.

I certainly did, but I plan on picking them up eventually. The gist of it is that I don't look for third-party games, they find me in the end. My friends introduced me to Monster Hunter, Ace Attorney, Dark Souls, and more series that I've come to love. They have replaced the old third-party games that I used to enjoy which have now either been abandoned or become shit, or both in the opposite order.

This is a relatively recent development, so a few Wii gems flew under my radar, including a couple of first-party games. They're on my to-do list.


Seece said:

They made the right business decisions regarding the WiiU version and quite frankly they're saints for not canning it given like you say, sales were bound to end up like this.

I don't follow. Make up your mind, did they make the right business decision or was releasing the game at all an act of charity?