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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Watch Dogs shifts almost no copies on its Wii U launch in UK

daredevil.shark said:
Burning Typhoon said:
daredevil.shark said:

For comparisons sake.

Mass Effect 2 was released in PS3 one year later of Xbox 360 and PC.

Xbox 360 sales: 3.06 million.

PS3 sales: 1.39 million.

Its true third party games tend to sell less in Nintendo platform.

That's not a valid comparison.  There weren't next-gen re-releases of Mass Effect 2, 6 months before the PS3 version came out.  The difference here is that there's 360 and PS4 versions of Watch Dogs.  Anyone interested in the game isn't going to meet the Wii U version right in the middle.  Well, some people will, but generally speaking.  If someone wants watch dogs, and gets it for Wii U, they probably had no intention of ever getting a PS4 or Xbox One.

No matter how you say third party games don't sell in Nintendo platform. Look at AC IV PS4 and Wii U sales. Even worse PS Vita AC Liberation sold 1 million copies where Nintendo platform failed to achieve it.

Yeah, I know.  Assassin's Creed hadn't even come to mind, to be honest.  third parties don't sell well, I know.  But the example stated was still, not a good one.

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fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
So are there any major 3rd parties supporting the Wii U anymore? I know Ubisoft will probably still release the annual Just Dance and the like for it but anything else?

Project Cars from Slightly Mad Studios, and a few partnerships like Devil's Third from Valhalla.

Wait a minute, those are major 3rd parties ? 0_0

"Major" wasn't defined, but in today's market where a "third party" can be one guy in his basement...

daredevil.shark said:
Burning Typhoon said:
daredevil.shark said:

No matter how you say third party games don't sell in Nintendo platform. Look at AC IV PS4 and Wii U sales. Even worse PS Vita AC Liberation sold 1 million copies where Nintendo platform failed to achieve it.

RE:Revalations on 3ds^

Also Vita AC Liberation was so heavily bundled as well. 

Tachikoma said:
its as much the fact that nintendo fans rarely buy third party games as it is the delay / price.

If it launched alongside the ps4/xbo version it would have still bombed.

Exactly. It barely matters how late or early it launched.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Tachikoma said:
its as much the fact that nintendo fans rarely buy third party games as it is the delay / price.

If it launched alongside the ps4/xbo version it would have still bombed.

Exactly. It barely matters how late or early it launched.

Rayman Legends sold better on the WiiU...

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KLXVER said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Exactly. It barely matters how late or early it launched.

Rayman Legends sold better on the WiiU...'re going to compare a platformer on Nintendo to a AAA TPS? Good lord man, now you're grasping at straws! Come on! Platformer= Nintendo! Please dude.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
KLXVER said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Exactly. It barely matters how late or early it launched.

Rayman Legends sold better on the WiiU...'re going to compare a platformer on Nintendo to a AAA TPS? Good lord man, now you're grasping at straws! Come on! Platformer= Nintendo! Please dude.

Then why doesnt third party companies make platformers for the WiiU...?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
KLXVER said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Exactly. It barely matters how late or early it launched.

Rayman Legends sold better on the WiiU...'re going to compare a platformer on Nintendo to a AAA TPS? Good lord man, now you're grasping at straws! Come on! Platformer= Nintendo! Please dude.

1. It didnt it sold best on PS3

2. it doesnt matter cause taht game didnt do well anyway/

KLXVER said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
KLXVER said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Exactly. It barely matters how late or early it launched.

Rayman Legends sold better on the WiiU...'re going to compare a platformer on Nintendo to a AAA TPS? Good lord man, now you're grasping at straws! Come on! Platformer= Nintendo! Please dude.

Then why doesnt third party companies make platformers for the WiiU...?

They dont want to make that kind of game and with the sales of Rayman i can hardly blame them.

oniyide said:

They dont want to make that kind of game and with the sales of Rayman i can hardly blame them.

Well maybe they should try to NOT fuck over the WiiU gamers next time?