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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Realistic games aren't always grey


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curl-6 said

But heck, I could provide others:

I wouldn't be able to find a crappier picture even if I tried, Curl.

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^^ i thought it was my internet conection's fault



We reap what we sow

Wright said:
curl-6 said

But heck, I could provide others:

I wouldn't be able to find a crappier picture even if I tried, Curl.

Challenge accepted.

curl-6 said:

Challenge accepted.


Wright said:
the_dengle said:

what a mysterious reply

what is the point of any of this

If I see a black car, and someone ask me what colour is it, I generally say "black", instead of "that car shows absence of colour". I say generally because at times I've said yellow cars are blue.

And when someone asks me how long my shift is, I don't say "I work for five-twelfths of a rotation of the Earth upon its axis relative to the sun."

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the_dengle said:

And when someone asks me how long my shift is, I don't say "I work for five-twelfths of a rotation of the Earth upon its axis relative to the sun."

Then what was the point back there of black not being a colour?

Wright said:
the_dengle said:

And when someone asks me how long my shift is, I don't say "I work for five-twelfths of a rotation of the Earth upon its axis relative to the sun."

Then what was the point back there of black not being a colour?

"Maybe I'm color blind, but I see black." You also claimed to have seen white, yet you were actually looking at lighter grey. But I suppose you can say it looks like white to you, and therefore is white.

the_dengle said:

"Maybe I'm color blind, but I see black."

If I post you a picture that shows a black car, and I ask you what colour the car is, wouldn't you say "black"?

RolStoppable said:

The point was that black is not a rebuttal to the accusation of being gray, because black is a very, very, very dark shade of gray, after all.

The thing is, me pointing out the colours I see isn't a rebuttal to anything. It's me pointing out the colours I see.

Wright said:

If I post you a picture that shows a black car, and I ask you what colour the car is, wouldn't you say "black"?

Some part of this is not clicking with you. You did not prove the presence of more colors by pointing out the black in the picture. You proved the absence of more colors. Whether you call this black or noir or jaggaboner is irrelevant.