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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Eurogamer: Mario Kart 8 "best looking console game of the year"

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It just proves that we're reaching the end of the importance of graphics technology.

This is actually one of the few changes in gaming that I like. Perhaps the amount of games with only graphics as their selling point will decrease.


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GTAexpert said:
Nem said:

They totally are grey and brown. Feel free to show me a pic just as colorful as MK8.

Not being as colourful as MK8 doesn't mean they are colourless. Also, you act as if colour is everything when it comes to graphics...well sorry, it isn't.

Here are a few pics which are far from boring depictions of reality:

I dont want to hurt your feelings, but cant you see the brown and the grey?

BraLoD said:
Nem said:

I dont want to hurt your feelings, but cant you see the brown and the grey?

Like the brown on the earth and the grey on the road... as it should be?

Judging the game that looks better by the one that is more colourful is simply absurd!

DC looks better than MK8 BY FAR.

Mario kart also has the grey of the road and the brown of the dirt. But then it has so much more aswell.

Look at the screenshot in the last page. Theres also red, blue, white and alot more colourful shades of colors. Everything on those games is dark grey and brown, even the green of the trees. Realistic? Definitly! More appealing or impressive design wise? No, its as boring as it can be. Its alot more impressive to see a new world created from scratch than a rip from real life.

Roma said:
But, but realistic games are always better looking!! I dare you pick a non realistic game as the best looking game?!

that is just one person opinion like you have yours and i have mine.

lol I was beng sarcastic :P

people who think realistic games always look better than other games are idiots

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

BraLoD said:
Nem said:

I dont want to hurt your feelings, but cant you see the brown and the grey?

Like the brown on the earth and the grey on the road... as it should be?

Judging the game that looks better by the one that is more colourful is simply absurd!

DC looks better than MK8 BY FAR.

Honestly, it looks like a racing game...this might be genre-ist of me to say, but all standard racing games look the same. I have a tough time telling them apart most of the time. Yeah, they look good, but is it a good that I will remember five minutes after I see a screenshot? Not really...

On the other hand, I've had the new Dragon Course stuck in my head for about a week because it is so damn good looking.

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Edit: Sorry, quoted the wrong post! Mods please delete

Game_God said:
Talal said:
irstupid said:
I don't get why people every care about a TECHNICAL marvel.

You know what can be considered a technical marvel? Assassin's Creed Unity. It has a shit ton of npc's roaming around.

I'll take a game with flawless visuals in whatever art style it chooses and flawless gameplay and fps over any technical marvels anyday.

Mario Kart 8, the entire world fits and looks exactly how it should. There are no random things that make you cringe when you see them. No pop up in the distance. No bugs, ect. So spare me the technical aspects of it having AA or not or whatever else you want to say to downplay it.

When I'm playing the game I'm 100% able to dive into it. There is zero immersion breaking things going on. That to me is a technical marvel.

Because some people don't consider seeing pixel edges flawless.


So I guess this is a bad painting:


It lacks colors, the lines are not straight, you can 2 eyes on the side faces, it looks like a child painted it it right???

A great portion of what I call the "hardlycore gamers" seem to have a very narrow minded view of the world & games in particular.

I would say that maybe the lack of culture & open mind is what makes them enraged against anything that doesn't try to parrot reality, that's all they know, that's all they want in their games realistic FPS... yet they think they are so "superior" & hold the "truth" with their tunnel vision & lack of education!

Is this really necessary? There's no need to label those who disagree "uneducated". 

Hmm can't disagree that much is a very good looking game and you get impressed when you play it.

Artistically, yes. Technically, no.

GTAexpert said:

EG once again showing their bias toward Nintendo, there have been many games which came out this year which look much better than MK8 even though they run at a higher resolution and have anti-aliasing. That doesn't make MK8 a bad game, but only give credit where it is due.

What bias towards Nintendo? They had no qualms about pointing our some of MK8's technical imperfections in their digital foundry report.