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Game_God said:
Talal said:
irstupid said:
I don't get why people every care about a TECHNICAL marvel.

You know what can be considered a technical marvel? Assassin's Creed Unity. It has a shit ton of npc's roaming around.

I'll take a game with flawless visuals in whatever art style it chooses and flawless gameplay and fps over any technical marvels anyday.

Mario Kart 8, the entire world fits and looks exactly how it should. There are no random things that make you cringe when you see them. No pop up in the distance. No bugs, ect. So spare me the technical aspects of it having AA or not or whatever else you want to say to downplay it.

When I'm playing the game I'm 100% able to dive into it. There is zero immersion breaking things going on. That to me is a technical marvel.

Because some people don't consider seeing pixel edges flawless.


So I guess this is a bad painting:


It lacks colors, the lines are not straight, you can 2 eyes on the side faces, it looks like a child painted it it right???

A great portion of what I call the "hardlycore gamers" seem to have a very narrow minded view of the world & games in particular.

I would say that maybe the lack of culture & open mind is what makes them enraged against anything that doesn't try to parrot reality, that's all they know, that's all they want in their games realistic FPS... yet they think they are so "superior" & hold the "truth" with their tunnel vision & lack of education!

Is this really necessary? There's no need to label those who disagree "uneducated".