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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto: 'What can games learn from film? Nothing'

Let people keep asking for a deeper story in Super Mario games.
Let them keep asking for voice actors in The Legend of Zelda.
Let them keep asking for pixel counts that will be outdated ten years from now.
Let them keep asking for the ability to express themselves however inappropriately they desire on Nintendo network.
Let them keep asking for voice communication under circumstances where trash talk would govern all discussion.
Let them keep asking for third party titles on platforms that they would never consider buying those games for.
And let them keep asking for what they consider to be "mature" games.

Because if they still do not understand, chances are that they willingly, or unwillingly, never will.

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I think that's true.

But games should be filmelized too.
I want a OOT and Metroid Prime Trilogy movies damn it!!!!

That, I don't agree. Anyone can learn something from anything. Especially an art form from a different art form.

Where is that quote in the title from? I can't find it in the post nor the source article.

Not only can they learn from movies, but games can be movies. Look at TLOU...great film.

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Wow some of you can't actually have been reading the same thing I've been reading.

Feels like some of you have been totaly missing the point.

But then again seeing some of the names here and what you posted it's clear to me that you just read the title and are way more arrogant then what you claim Miyamoto is.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Brii said:
Where is that quote in the title from? I can't find it in the post nor the source article.

Made up by the author of the article. And as you can see from reading some of these comments, people only read headlines nowadays before drawing conclusions and voicing their opinions.

I don't necessarily agree, but I do find it refreshing that there's someone who doesn't have the mentality of a film school drop-out trying to make video games.

Cue another E3 segment where the developers are waxing on and on and on about how it's the most "cinematic" game ever and how they even motion captured Ellen Paige taking a crap on the toilet to elicit emotion and connection with the player and how they want to relay messages and themes about love and redemption or something (while you gun down 50,000 people in the game).

And lets be honest most game storylines held up against any objective criticism are generally crap. Hideo Kojima is supposed to be some master storyteller but the actual plot of some of the Metal Gear games is more brain dead than a Transformers movie. There's a reason these people aren't making movies -- because they aren't talented enough to write movies. If they could they would be working in Hollywood, not at some game studio.

That said if I'm playing a 40 hour Zelda game, it would be nice to have some kind of compelling story in there. I mean in a Mario platformer, no story is fine, but a quest/adventure game that's going to take up the better part of my week? Yeah I want something a little more to chew on than "rescue Zelda". A really tasty hamburger is great, but there's nothing wrong with having a nice side of fries with it too.

He's just saying this because Nintendo's story writers suck. If Nintendo was truly the best game developer as a lot of people say then they would be able to create a fun game with a good story.

t3mporary_126 said:
Same quote but expanded I guess. Miyamoto needs to keep his opinions to himself especially when his games aren't doing so hot in sales and recognition recently.

.....what? That is silly. If there is anyone in the industry who deserves to a chance to speak their mind it is him. Sales of his games recently seems more like a jab from you because you dont like what he is saying.  I dont agree with everything he is saying but i dont have act like a petulant child because of it.