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I don't necessarily agree, but I do find it refreshing that there's someone who doesn't have the mentality of a film school drop-out trying to make video games.

Cue another E3 segment where the developers are waxing on and on and on about how it's the most "cinematic" game ever and how they even motion captured Ellen Paige taking a crap on the toilet to elicit emotion and connection with the player and how they want to relay messages and themes about love and redemption or something (while you gun down 50,000 people in the game).

And lets be honest most game storylines held up against any objective criticism are generally crap. Hideo Kojima is supposed to be some master storyteller but the actual plot of some of the Metal Gear games is more brain dead than a Transformers movie. There's a reason these people aren't making movies -- because they aren't talented enough to write movies. If they could they would be working in Hollywood, not at some game studio.

That said if I'm playing a 40 hour Zelda game, it would be nice to have some kind of compelling story in there. I mean in a Mario platformer, no story is fine, but a quest/adventure game that's going to take up the better part of my week? Yeah I want something a little more to chew on than "rescue Zelda". A really tasty hamburger is great, but there's nothing wrong with having a nice side of fries with it too.