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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon US Monthly bestsellers tracking thread November - Updated 29/11 - GTAV bundle in at 17

binary solo said:
With the way the hourlies have been going the last day or so I expect SO bundle to drop out soonish and PS4 to climb into the top 20. But I'm not sure PS4 will be able to drag itself past the CoD bundle, even though it's ahead of it now on the hourlies, because it will have built up a pretty substantial head start. Looks like Ass Cred bundle is shaping to be the highest HW for at least the first half of the month.

I wonder when Amazon will restock with vanilla Xb one's and what effect that will have on the bundle sales.

November 12th I think. 

Also, Halo putting in big numbers.

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I wonder how sales will be after jan 3 when it comes back to regular price. I think Microsoft will suffer more on first half of 2015 compared to PS4 sales by widening the gap because of PS4 exclusives and 3rd party games which sells better on PS4 due to superior version.

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

biglittlesps said:
I wonder how sales will be after jan 3 when it comes back to regular price. I think Microsoft will suffer more on first half of 2015 compared to PS4 sales by widening the gap because of PS4 exclusives and 3rd party games which sells better on PS4 due to superior version.

I don't really think this is a temporary price drop.  I think MS have slashed the price to bring as many people's purchases forward as they can, thus winning November and December NPD, and the media presence and mind share that brings.

Sales will always be lower in January of course, but I don't think it will be very long after Jan 3rd where we see MS make the 'temporary' price cut permanent.  ALthough that will obviously have very little affect after the holiday season at the same price

jlmurph2 said:
binary solo said:
With the way the hourlies have been going the last day or so I expect SO bundle to drop out soonish and PS4 to climb into the top 20. But I'm not sure PS4 will be able to drag itself past the CoD bundle, even though it's ahead of it now on the hourlies, because it will have built up a pretty substantial head start. Looks like Ass Cred bundle is shaping to be the highest HW for at least the first half of the month.

I wonder when Amazon will restock with vanilla Xb one's and what effect that will have on the bundle sales.

November 12th I think. 

Also, Halo putting in big numbers.

So vanilla sku will drop away a bit it until the 15-ish Nov update, and then it should bounce back.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Any word / rumour of a SO bundle re-stock?

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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binary solo said:
Any word / rumour of a SO bundle re-stock?

Only Major Nelson and other MS people saying get one while you can because the numbers are scarce. Will most likely be back by black friday.

kowenicki said:
MrChaos said:
Well the COD bundle is dropping fast with the PS4 going back up.AC bundle will drop after it releases too and November will be the same as September and October.

define "the same"

PS4 will continue to crush them.

jlmurph2 said:
binary solo said:
Any word / rumour of a SO bundle re-stock?

Only Major Nelson and other MS people saying get one while you can because the numbers are scarce. Will most likely be back by black friday.

Yet they are in stock and stayed in stock at BB,Target and Walmart.

As for your comment towards me.It's sad that you don't realize the AC bundle was never in the top 20 til the price cut,which has zero to do with my post or point anyway.That bundle will fall clearly.

binary solo said:
jlmurph2 said:
binary solo said:
With the way the hourlies have been going the last day or so I expect SO bundle to drop out soonish and PS4 to climb into the top 20. But I'm not sure PS4 will be able to drag itself past the CoD bundle, even though it's ahead of it now on the hourlies, because it will have built up a pretty substantial head start. Looks like Ass Cred bundle is shaping to be the highest HW for at least the first half of the month.

I wonder when Amazon will restock with vanilla Xb one's and what effect that will have on the bundle sales.

November 12th I think. 

Also, Halo putting in big numbers.

So vanilla sku will drop away a bit it until the 15-ish Nov update, and then it should bounce back.

Not to sure why the vinilla should matter at all in lieu of the AC bundle but something tells me that stock is being manipulated. 

There is no way they should have run out.  

MrChaos said:
jlmurph2 said:
binary solo said:
Any word / rumour of a SO bundle re-stock?

Only Major Nelson and other MS people saying get one while you can because the numbers are scarce. Will most likely be back by black friday.

Yet they are in stock and stayed in stock at BB,Target and Walmart.

As for your comment towards me.It's sad that you don't realize the AC bundle was never in the top 20 til the price cut,which has zero to do with my post or point anyway.That bundle will fall clearly. You were saying?

Your comment has the ridiculous notion that AC bundle will fall once its released. But the opposite happened. Its still moving up after its release.