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SvennoJ said:
Intrinsic said:

My PC room is to far from the living room for me to connect the PC to my projector. I do have a small lenovo ideacentre minidesktop in my living room though. Its basically a remote reciever for XBMC (kodi) from the PC in my PC room and for light browsing on the projector screen. 

Haha at the steam sales, if there is one thing I like about PC gaming its that.

I carry the pc over. It's a pain in the ass though, get behind the desk, disconnect a ton of cables. Then it sits akwardly in front of the AV cabinet. One time my kids were fooling around and knocked the thing flat over while it was running. I or rather they were lucky nothing broke.
It doesn't help removing the work stigma associated with it though. Same desktop boots up, infernal mail box, tax folders and all work related stuff sitting right there, only now 25 times bigger! Stuff of nightmares :p

I always connect a laptop to my LCD, it's more easy tho, but i have  the same problem with u, it just really akward  to navigate my OS to just playing game with mouse from a distance  :D.

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Intrinsic said:
Seihaku said:

Yeah, I hate gaming at a desk because it's too associated with work. I do use my PC with my projector in the living room though, Steam's Big Picture mode is fantastic. But then I'm not big into online FPS anymore and don't play a ton of strategy games, so it actually works out perfectly.

I still sink a ton of money into consoles, console games, pc equipment and pc games, but also don't play a whole lot of games. Though I do get suckered into those damn Steam sales and humble bundles, constantly.

My PC room is to far from the living room for me to connect the PC to my projector. I do have a small lenovo ideacentre minidesktop in my living room though. Its basically a remote reciever for XBMC (kodi) from the PC in my PC room and for light browsing on the projector screen. 

Haha at the steam sales, if there is one thing I like about PC gaming its that.

If both of those computers are hardwired, the Steam In-Home Streaming works decently thus far (though I've only really played DmC with it, going from the Desktop to a Laptop hooked into a TV outside.). Sucks over wireless though (well, maybe not AC, haven't tried it).

mornelithe said:
Intrinsic said:

Sigh.... why i ignored the display is cause that is the one thing that applies to everyone. I am not also factoring in the cost of a display for a PC. Hell, I am even assuming that you can just as easily plug a PC into a standard HDTV if you don't want to spend more on a dedicated display and if your primary reason for getting the PC is to play games.

How is this biased? Can you play a PC without getting some form of display? neither can you play a console. I have eliminated the one thing that both of them absolutely needs. But somehow I am being biased?

Tha aside, I don't think you realize that you are making teh exact point I was making too. But keep talking about achieving your goals and your finances... can't even start to imagine where that came from.

It's disingenuous to ignore certain necessary factors to the expense of getting into HD gaming.  A 1080p monitor, is quite a bit cheaper than a 1080p TV, even moreso if you adjust for distance from TV/Monitor.

I think it's perfectly fair to leave out the display.  This might not have been the case 5-7 years ago, but all video cards come with HDMI ports these days. So you can easily plug your PC into your computer monitor, or your TV. And there is a likely chance that you can get a computer monitor with an HDMI port that will let you hook up your console to it.  Not everyone will necessarily do this, but the options are there.  Display should be irrelevant to this argument, given how these devices connect with each other today.

Intrinsic said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Your first sentence doesn't even make sense. The grammar in it is dire.

Ironic you say I won't listen, yet most PC gamers here including myself are accusing you of exactly that - not listening. You belittle people and won't look at anyones argument besides yourself, even when it is spelt out to you. And yes, you don't know anything about this topic, hence why you have no idea about benchmarks etc and post very confusing and mixed posts.

I think what demostrates this best is when I made my clear reply to you and you just ignored the points and went into denial, begging the timeless question of; what would it take for you to change your mind? Obviously simply logic and maths won't suffice.

Show me how I have tried to belittle anyone? Cause you can say stuff doesn't mean what you are saying is true. And the rest of this bolded part? well its exactly why I am refraining from getting into an meaningful discussion with you. But if thee is one ting I am happy about though, is that you at least now mention "benchmarks". Guess we are getting closer to home. You know you ae completely off the mark when you have to resort to the tone you are using and accusiing people of things that were never said or insinuated. 

What demonstrates what... what clear reply are you talking about... and if i ignored anything, its simply cause what you were talking about had nothing to do with this thread I can only indulge you so much. Or even worse, that its something I had already explained in this thread before. As I said, I can only indulge you so much. As the say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. There are only so many ways I can tell you or anyone else what this thread is actually about. Only so many ways. And that of all the posters in this thread only 4 people didn't "get it". And of that four, 2 of them now understand. As for you and the guy above you..... well, I think we have reached a point where its best to say lets just agree to disagree.

You keep talking about simple logic and maths. Yet you have offered nothing but accusations and off topic points. 

For the record, I have listenned to anyone that actually was talking about what I was trying to say in this thread. I have tried to tell those that misunderstood me (which also requires listenning to them by the way) that what they were talking about is not what I meant and tried to clarify. But I am guessing your idea of listenning must entail that I agree with what you are saying, even if what you are saying is accusing me of saying something I am not saying.

Whats really funny about all this, is that if you actually know how simple and starightforward all I am saying is you would probably feel stupid for derailing it all as much as you  have. My even replying you, for so long and considerring how wrong you are, is actually an act of respect to you as a person and the least insulting thing I could do. But no more. If you don't get it by now, you never will. Feel free to keep accusing me of stuff. 

So you never once said "Lol... ok, if you so." or "And if you can get you head in the game" (hint; start at page 10).

I've mentioned benchmarks the issue is that you didn't read my replies carefully. This picture is starting to become more clear. As for being "off the mark", I'm not - I just don't tolerate people making ill informed comments. I don't have to deal with folks like that in real life, so why tolerate them here? ^^ I would make an epic moderator.

What is your point?  Are you defending the points in the OP, wanting people to debate them, or disagreeing with them? Because I've assumed the 1st and 2nd. Also I think your grammar hasn't helped as sometimes it makes your sentences somewhat incoherent which never helps in a debate.

TheJimbo1234 said:

So you never once said "Lol... ok, if you so." or "And if you can get you head in the game" (hint; start at page 10).

I've mentioned benchmarks the issue is that you didn't read my replies carefully. This picture is starting to become more clear. As for being "off the mark", I'm not - I just don't tolerate people making ill informed comments. I don't have to deal with folks like that in real life, so why tolerate them here? ^^ I would make an epic moderator.

What is your point?  Are you defending the points in the OP, wanting people to debate them, or disagreeing with them? Because I've assumed the 1st and 2nd. Also I think your grammar hasn't helped as sometimes it makes your sentences somewhat incoherent which never helps in a debate.

Ok... I hear you. But please, lets give it a rest. I think this debate, argument, misunderstanding or attack (whichever you wanna call it) has gone on long enough. We are just going round in circles. Cause I could just as easily be saying to you that you should look at what you said that made me respond to you like that in the first place. But its enough.

I honestly don't know what we are talking about now or what the point of this discussion is. So lets just agree to disagree. 

Around the Network
Intrinsic said:

My PC room is to far from the living room for me to connect the PC to my projector. I do have a small lenovo ideacentre minidesktop in my living room though. Its basically a remote reciever for XBMC (kodi) from the PC in my PC room and for light browsing on the projector screen. 

Haha at the steam sales, if there is one thing I like about PC gaming its that.

I got around that... By "streaming" my PC over my network.

Think of remote play, but in every single room of your home at the same time, when my sister brings her kids over, they go balastic and they access my Steam full Library from $100 "Dumb Clients". (Better than letting them use my thousands of dollars worth of hardware.)

the-pi-guy said:

You certainly can be both depending on what post I read.   Condescending has nothing to do with that though, stop acting like you're better than everyone. 

Quite frankly, the "Pick one, make a game of it" just shows me that you have the wrong attitude for discussion.  

If all you're going to do is nitpick and hate on someone whilst not adding anything new or constructive to the topic at hand, then don't bother posting.

What I stated was in jest, lighten up, recognise a joke when you see one.

SvennoJ said:

That particular problem was a long time ago, I was playing FS 2004 and Everquest at the time. NVidia flavor. Geforce FX series I think.

It's a good thing nVidia never released a GPU with a "TnL chip" to get burnt out then.

HollyGamer said

6 years if you heavily investing on higher price spec, and it's actually quite risk, most of hardware is easy to become faulty, and later on become hard to upgrade some several part especially cpu (some new cpu require you to upgrade mother board and the result you have to build from basic again and defeat the purpose of cost saving money on upgrading.

If you go LGA 2011, you are then playing with server-class hardware in some cases, which has more reliability testing than consoles.

Heck, My bus terminal is still using a 386/486 PC running DOS (That's right, no Microsoft Windows), that thing would have to be 20+ years old.
I have another PC in my home which is 6 years old with a Core 2 Quad, 8Gb of Ram and a $30 Radeon 6570, you would be surprised how it runs games and it's never skipped a beat.
I also have zero need to upgrade the CPU, even though it's freaking ancient, at 3.6ghz it still handles everything fine.

The warranty on my main PC is also longer than a console generation, my motherboard is at 10 years, my CPU has a "single failure" warranty after 3 years, thus if I blow my CPU up after the warranty is expired, I get a new CPU (Here we are at 3 years!), my PSU has a 7 year warranty, my Ram has a lifetime warranty, my SSD's have a 5 year warranty... The list goes on.
The point is, if you pick and choose the right hardware, it can exceed a console in terms of reliability, MTBF and warranty.

Let's not forget PC's just plain look cooler than the boring black console boxes.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
Intrinsic said:

My PC room is to far from the living room for me to connect the PC to my projector. I do have a small lenovo ideacentre minidesktop in my living room though. Its basically a remote reciever for XBMC (kodi) from the PC in my PC room and for light browsing on the projector screen. 

Haha at the steam sales, if there is one thing I like about PC gaming its that.

I got around that... By "streaming" my PC over my network.

Think of remote play, but in every single room of your home at the same time, when my sister brings her kids over, they go balastic and they access my Steam full Library from $100 "Dumb Clients". (Better than letting them use my thousands of dollars worth of hardware.)

Yh I know about that. Basically doing the same thing for my media. But me and PC gaming just don't sit too well. As I said I can't just dissociate the feeling of it being a workstation. Its so bad that even for my mediacentre, I went to the trouble of using a remote control so i never actually have to use a keyboard or mouse to navigate Kodi. 

I don't agree that PC boxes look cooler than console boxes though. Then again its probably a preference thing. I like everything minimalistic. Which is why for my Rig I use an alluminium Lian Li case. Hate seeing wires and can't wrap my head around why some PC gamers insist on having a windowed case to show off their hardware lol. I personally think the PS4 is a beautiful peice of kit. They should have put the USB ports at the back of the box though. 

Pemalite said:
SvennoJ said:

That particular problem was a long time ago, I was playing FS 2004 and Everquest at the time. NVidia flavor. Geforce FX series I think.

It's a good thing nVidia never released a GPU with a "TnL chip" to get burnt out then.

Well you tell me what was wrong with it. Games started with a bit of graphical corruption to being completely invisible behind the mess of criss crossing lines, and the only way to 'fix' it was by disabling Hardware TnL in the ini files for Everquest, and in the settings for FS2004. A video problem that gradually gets worse is a deteriorating chip in my book. It was an overclocked card, at least it was promoted that way.

I had a different video problem before with a NVidia Riva TNT2 card with the video in/out port. I had to route my Dreamcast through my PC to get it to display on my CRT projector. For some reason the signal level from the DC was not compatible with my projector. That all worked fine for a while (crazy taxi on 72" screen was awesome), until 1/4 of the top of the screen always remained blue.

I've had better luck with pc hardware since I stopped buying stuff on release :) Now I need to apply that lesson to consoles... (rrods/ylod/wii disc drive problems had em all)

SvennoJ said:

Well you tell me what was wrong with it. Games started with a bit of graphical corruption to being completely invisible behind the mess of criss crossing lines, and the only way to 'fix' it was by disabling Hardware TnL in the ini files for Everquest, and in the settings for FS2004. A video problem that gradually gets worse is a deteriorating chip in my book. It was an overclocked card, at least it was promoted that way.

I had a different video problem before with a NVidia Riva TNT2 card with the video in/out port. I had to route my Dreamcast through my PC to get it to display on my CRT projector. For some reason the signal level from the DC was not compatible with my projector. That all worked fine for a while (crazy taxi on 72" screen was awesome), until 1/4 of the top of the screen always remained blue.

I've had better luck with pc hardware since I stopped buying stuff on release :) Now I need to apply that lesson to consoles... (rrods/ylod/wii disc drive problems had em all)

Could have been a myriad of different issues, but it could have been the TnL unit at fault. (It wasn't a seperate chip, which I was pointing at in my last post.)
The difference between nVidia's Geforce FX and ATI's Radeon 9000 series at the time was ATI removed the fixed-function TnL unit and performed those functions in the shader hardware instead.
nVidia didn't, they had a seperate TnL unit on the FX, which was part of the "GPU" and not a seperate chip, it wasn't untill the Geforce 6000 series that the TnL unit was absolished in nVidia graphics processors.
When I was reverse engineering SM3.0 shaders down to SM1.1 in order to get more performance out of nVidia FX cards, I generally ignored the TnL unit completely and tried to minimise the use of the vertex shaders.

When it comes to PC hardware, avoid "budget" brands like ECS, Biostar, Asrock.
And generally, longer the warranty, the more content a manufacturer is with it's reliability.

With Graphics Card's the "premium" cards like MSI's with "Military Grade stuffs" or Asus DirectCU II are generally going to be more reliable as they use higher premium components for better reliability and power delivery and other benefits.

It's rare I don't own a card that will last for years without a problem.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

1 Alright so to the point of your post I agree that the comparisons are often biased in favor of whoever the poster favors. I am a console gamer AND a PC gamer and if what you are comparing is the "experience" then obviously it will be different for everyone and the comparison is pointless. 2 If you are trying to compare console gaming to PC gaming of similar or the same games (action, shooters and western RPGs) then this is where things get very interesting. However, it must be noted that your point about being the type of person who is willing to work a little on the PC side of things, that is completely true BUT it is worth it. 3 A price comparison of consoles and PCs just isn't fair. Consoles are always going to be much cheaper because they are MASS marketed and PCs are not (a plus for consoles). 4 Also working in consoles favor is the optimization factor. Games on consoles are optimized much more than on PCs which should be obvious to most people that it is because consoles are static hardware and PCs are extremely varied like you said price of hardware can go from a few hundred to thousands. This means that the PS4 with the AMD GPU in it (which is equivalent to the AMD 7850/7870) will most likely perform better than a PC with a AMD 7850/7870 unless the particular game is CPU heavy which would heavily favor the PC since the CPU in the PS4 (and XBOX1 for that matter) is much weaker (yes I know they have 8 cores but that is not all that matters) than current CPUs in PCs. 5 Also working in consoles favor (most of the time) is form factor. They are much smaller (not including laptops for obvious reasons concerning price) and are thus more portable which can be a plus for some people. Another positive is that consoles use less energy so they tend to lower your energy bills when compared to PCs. Local multiplayer is also a plus for consoles (especially Nintendo) but PCs are capable of local multiplayer but most PC gamers use monitors and are usually playing by themselves locally or online for multiplayer games.

So those are a lot of reasons why someone would want to or even prefer to game on consoles (a la my brother). Now on the PC side there are also a lot of benefits but like I said earlier you will most likely have to spend more to start in comparison to console gaming. For PC gaming you cannot or at least you should not just go into a local Best Buy completely blind and just buy the most expensive PC that they have. That would be a waste of money. Since you cannot do this you will have to either educate yourself or bring someone along who is educated in this area of gaming. My personal preference as it seems many PC gamers share also is to build your own rig but that is not for everyone and I wholly understand that.

PC gaming has the positives of customization (extreme customization for those who are well adept to PC gaming). On PCs you do not have to pay monthly internet fees like on consoles (except Nintendo which is one of the reasons why I still have love for Nintendo). In addition for many games on PC, there are tons of MODs that add to the experience and longevity of these games. Also as far as PC game prices go it is very true that the prices are much lower for PCs however most PC gamers buy games digitally (Steam) and cannot take their game to GameStop to trade it or sell it (a la console gamers most often do) so it seems to evens out HOWEVER I still think the prices are so low that PC gamers 1 up their console counterparts. Every platform be it PC or any variant of the consoles have their exclusives that can make or break the deal for any gamer BUT PC gamers also have the added benefit of having the best MMOs if you are into that sort of thing (I am not). Obviously for those of you who are just looking for the best FPS and resolution PC gaming is the way to go but of course you'd have to be willing to spend upwards of 1K for really good performance. 7 PCs are much more powerful than consoles plain and simple. If anyone denies that then they are delusional to say the least. The downside to this for many PC gamers is a room that feels like the heater has been left on haha (unless you water cool your rig). 8 Another huge benefit for PC gamers that not too many mention is EMULATORS (not always necessarily legal). You can download emulators and play games (ROMs) from NES all the way up to the Wii. This is huge for people who are nostalgic gamers. 1 more benefit for those few of you who chose to go the route of PC gaming and have the knowhow is OVERCLOCKING. If you feel your hardware is no longer keeping up with the times you can and should (since you are feeling like spending money by now on something else) first attempt to over clock your PC. If you bought your PC in a store like Best Buy then sorry you are most likely out of luck but if you bought your PC in a PC boutique store or built it yourself then you most likely can over clock your PC considerably (educate yourself before attempting this as you take the risk of fudging up your whole rig).

Yes PC gaming tends to be more expensive than console gaming but in all honesty you get a lot more for your money in the long run (over 2 years). Both PCs and consoles have their benefits but for WOW factor you just can't beat the PC. PCs look so much cooler than consoles with their water cooled parts and lighting and even custom/modified casing. Also, the point of saying that it doesn't matter that the gaming PC can do more than just game is not a good point because most people have some sort of computer whether it be a laptop, a PC or something from Apple. So there is a good point to make to say that a PC can be great for gaming AND for other non gaming activities/tasks/work. So to end my giant post I will say that I love BOTH console gaming AND PC gaming for the points I listed above. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all have great exclusives and while PCs do have exclusives as well they may not compare well to those offered on consoles unless you like MMOs (I am not huge on MMOs). PC gamers get way more customization options in both aesthetics and performance and game MODs (if you don't know what MODs are then look it up cuz you are missing out). Really good PC gaming IS MORE EXPENSIVE than console gaming so if you are not the type to want spend the dough then stick with consoles (you get really good exclusives anyways) BUT if you are even just a little computer savvy then I guarantee you will not feel slighted when you spend a little more on your gaming rig. So I do see the point of the OP but this is my rebuttal (my way of saying yes true BUT...) of sorts I guess to the conclusion made. I am not a fanboy I am an enthusiast and love all gaming so everyone just be glad you have the great opportunity to be a gamer as this is seems to be the age of the gamers!